Defines ScoreBoard Actor and related functionality.

  1# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
  3"""Defines ScoreBoard Actor and related functionality."""
  5from __future__ import annotations
  7import weakref
  8from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
 10import ba
 13    from typing import Any, Sequence
 16class _Entry:
 17    def __init__(
 18        self,
 19        scoreboard: Scoreboard,
 20        team: ba.Team,
 21        do_cover: bool,
 22        scale: float,
 23        label: ba.Lstr | None,
 24        flash_length: float,
 25    ):
 26        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
 27        self._scoreboard = weakref.ref(scoreboard)
 28        self._do_cover = do_cover
 29        self._scale = scale
 30        self._flash_length = flash_length
 31        self._width = 140.0 * self._scale
 32        self._height = 32.0 * self._scale
 33        self._bar_width = 2.0 * self._scale
 34        self._bar_height = 32.0 * self._scale
 35        self._bar_tex = self._backing_tex = ba.gettexture('bar')
 36        self._cover_tex = ba.gettexture('uiAtlas')
 37        self._model = ba.getmodel('meterTransparent')
 38        self._pos: Sequence[float] | None = None
 39        self._flash_timer: ba.Timer | None = None
 40        self._flash_counter: int | None = None
 41        self._flash_colors: bool | None = None
 42        self._score: float | None = None
 44        safe_team_color = ba.safecolor(team.color, target_intensity=1.0)
 46        # FIXME: Should not do things conditionally for vr-mode, as there may
 47        #  be non-vr clients connected which will also get these value.
 48        vrmode =
 50        if self._do_cover:
 51            if vrmode:
 52                self._backing_color = [0.1 + c * 0.1 for c in safe_team_color]
 53            else:
 54                self._backing_color = [0.05 + c * 0.17 for c in safe_team_color]
 55        else:
 56            self._backing_color = [0.05 + c * 0.1 for c in safe_team_color]
 58        opacity = (0.8 if vrmode else 0.8) if self._do_cover else 0.5
 59        self._backing = ba.NodeActor(
 60            ba.newnode(
 61                'image',
 62                attrs={
 63                    'scale': (self._width, self._height),
 64                    'opacity': opacity,
 65                    'color': self._backing_color,
 66                    'vr_depth': -3,
 67                    'attach': 'topLeft',
 68                    'texture': self._backing_tex,
 69                },
 70            )
 71        )
 73        self._barcolor = safe_team_color
 74        self._bar = ba.NodeActor(
 75            ba.newnode(
 76                'image',
 77                attrs={
 78                    'opacity': 0.7,
 79                    'color': self._barcolor,
 80                    'attach': 'topLeft',
 81                    'texture': self._bar_tex,
 82                },
 83            )
 84        )
 86        self._bar_scale = ba.newnode(
 87            'combine',
 88            owner=self._bar.node,
 89            attrs={
 90                'size': 2,
 91                'input0': self._bar_width,
 92                'input1': self._bar_height,
 93            },
 94        )
 95        assert self._bar.node
 96        self._bar_scale.connectattr('output', self._bar.node, 'scale')
 97        self._bar_position = ba.newnode(
 98            'combine',
 99            owner=self._bar.node,
100            attrs={'size': 2, 'input0': 0, 'input1': 0},
101        )
102        self._bar_position.connectattr('output', self._bar.node, 'position')
103        self._cover_color = safe_team_color
104        if self._do_cover:
105            self._cover = ba.NodeActor(
106                ba.newnode(
107                    'image',
108                    attrs={
109                        'scale': (self._width * 1.15, self._height * 1.6),
110                        'opacity': 1.0,
111                        'color': self._cover_color,
112                        'vr_depth': 2,
113                        'attach': 'topLeft',
114                        'texture': self._cover_tex,
115                        'model_transparent': self._model,
116                    },
117                )
118            )
120        clr = safe_team_color
121        maxwidth = 130.0 * (1.0 - scoreboard.score_split)
122        flatness = (1.0 if vrmode else 0.5) if self._do_cover else 1.0
123        self._score_text = ba.NodeActor(
124            ba.newnode(
125                'text',
126                attrs={
127                    'h_attach': 'left',
128                    'v_attach': 'top',
129                    'h_align': 'right',
130                    'v_align': 'center',
131                    'maxwidth': maxwidth,
132                    'vr_depth': 2,
133                    'scale': self._scale * 0.9,
134                    'text': '',
135                    'shadow': 1.0 if vrmode else 0.5,
136                    'flatness': flatness,
137                    'color': clr,
138                },
139            )
140        )
142        clr = safe_team_color
144        team_name_label: str | ba.Lstr
145        if label is not None:
146            team_name_label = label
147        else:
148            team_name_label =
150            # We do our own clipping here; should probably try to tap into some
151            # existing functionality.
152            if isinstance(team_name_label, ba.Lstr):
154                # Hmmm; if the team-name is a non-translatable value lets go
155                # ahead and clip it otherwise we leave it as-is so
156                # translation can occur..
157                if team_name_label.is_flat_value():
158                    val = team_name_label.evaluate()
159                    if len(val) > 10:
160                        team_name_label = ba.Lstr(value=val[:10] + '...')
161            else:
162                if len(team_name_label) > 10:
163                    team_name_label = team_name_label[:10] + '...'
164                team_name_label = ba.Lstr(value=team_name_label)
166        flatness = (1.0 if vrmode else 0.5) if self._do_cover else 1.0
167        self._name_text = ba.NodeActor(
168            ba.newnode(
169                'text',
170                attrs={
171                    'h_attach': 'left',
172                    'v_attach': 'top',
173                    'h_align': 'left',
174                    'v_align': 'center',
175                    'vr_depth': 2,
176                    'scale': self._scale * 0.9,
177                    'shadow': 1.0 if vrmode else 0.5,
178                    'flatness': flatness,
179                    'maxwidth': 130 * scoreboard.score_split,
180                    'text': team_name_label,
181                    'color': clr + (1.0,),
182                },
183            )
184        )
186    def flash(self, countdown: bool, extra_flash: bool) -> None:
187        """Flash momentarily."""
188        self._flash_timer = ba.Timer(
189            0.1, ba.WeakCall(self._do_flash), repeat=True
190        )
191        if countdown:
192            self._flash_counter = 10
193        else:
194            self._flash_counter = int(20.0 * self._flash_length)
195        if extra_flash:
196            self._flash_counter *= 4
197        self._set_flash_colors(True)
199    def set_position(self, position: Sequence[float]) -> None:
200        """Set the entry's position."""
202        # Abort if we've been killed
203        if not self._backing.node:
204            return
206        self._pos = tuple(position)
207        self._backing.node.position = (
208            position[0] + self._width / 2,
209            position[1] - self._height / 2,
210        )
211        if self._do_cover:
212            assert self._cover.node
213            self._cover.node.position = (
214                position[0] + self._width / 2,
215                position[1] - self._height / 2,
216            )
217        self._bar_position.input0 = self._pos[0] + self._bar_width / 2
218        self._bar_position.input1 = self._pos[1] - self._bar_height / 2
219        assert self._score_text.node
220        self._score_text.node.position = (
221            self._pos[0] + self._width - 7.0 * self._scale,
222            self._pos[1] - self._bar_height + 16.0 * self._scale,
223        )
224        assert self._name_text.node
225        self._name_text.node.position = (
226            self._pos[0] + 7.0 * self._scale,
227            self._pos[1] - self._bar_height + 16.0 * self._scale,
228        )
230    def _set_flash_colors(self, flash: bool) -> None:
231        self._flash_colors = flash
233        def _safesetcolor(node: ba.Node | None, val: Any) -> None:
234            if node:
235                node.color = val
237        if flash:
238            scale = 2.0
239            _safesetcolor(
240                self._backing.node,
241                (
242                    self._backing_color[0] * scale,
243                    self._backing_color[1] * scale,
244                    self._backing_color[2] * scale,
245                ),
246            )
247            _safesetcolor(
248                self._bar.node,
249                (
250                    self._barcolor[0] * scale,
251                    self._barcolor[1] * scale,
252                    self._barcolor[2] * scale,
253                ),
254            )
255            if self._do_cover:
256                _safesetcolor(
257                    self._cover.node,
258                    (
259                        self._cover_color[0] * scale,
260                        self._cover_color[1] * scale,
261                        self._cover_color[2] * scale,
262                    ),
263                )
264        else:
265            _safesetcolor(self._backing.node, self._backing_color)
266            _safesetcolor(self._bar.node, self._barcolor)
267            if self._do_cover:
268                _safesetcolor(self._cover.node, self._cover_color)
270    def _do_flash(self) -> None:
271        assert self._flash_counter is not None
272        if self._flash_counter <= 0:
273            self._set_flash_colors(False)
274        else:
275            self._flash_counter -= 1
276            self._set_flash_colors(not self._flash_colors)
278    def set_value(
279        self,
280        score: float,
281        max_score: float | None = None,
282        countdown: bool = False,
283        flash: bool = True,
284        show_value: bool = True,
285    ) -> None:
286        """Set the value for the scoreboard entry."""
288        # If we have no score yet, just set it.. otherwise compare
289        # and see if we should flash.
290        if self._score is None:
291            self._score = score
292        else:
293            if score > self._score or (countdown and score < self._score):
294                extra_flash = (
295                    max_score is not None
296                    and score >= max_score
297                    and not countdown
298                ) or (countdown and score == 0)
299                if flash:
300                    self.flash(countdown, extra_flash)
301            self._score = score
303        if max_score is None:
304            self._bar_width = 0.0
305        else:
306            if countdown:
307                self._bar_width = max(
308                    2.0 * self._scale,
309                    self._width * (1.0 - (float(score) / max_score)),
310                )
311            else:
312                self._bar_width = max(
313                    2.0 * self._scale,
314                    self._width * (min(1.0, float(score) / max_score)),
315                )
317        cur_width = self._bar_scale.input0
318        ba.animate(
319            self._bar_scale, 'input0', {0.0: cur_width, 0.25: self._bar_width}
320        )
321        self._bar_scale.input1 = self._bar_height
322        cur_x = self._bar_position.input0
323        assert self._pos is not None
324        ba.animate(
325            self._bar_position,
326            'input0',
327            {0.0: cur_x, 0.25: self._pos[0] + self._bar_width / 2},
328        )
329        self._bar_position.input1 = self._pos[1] - self._bar_height / 2
330        assert self._score_text.node
331        if show_value:
332            self._score_text.node.text = str(score)
333        else:
334            self._score_text.node.text = ''
337class _EntryProxy:
338    """Encapsulates adding/removing of a scoreboard Entry."""
340    def __init__(self, scoreboard: Scoreboard, team: ba.Team):
341        self._scoreboard = weakref.ref(scoreboard)
343        # Have to store ID here instead of a weak-ref since the team will be
344        # dead when we die and need to remove it.
345        self._team_id =
347    def __del__(self) -> None:
348        scoreboard = self._scoreboard()
350        # Remove our team from the scoreboard if its still around.
351        # (but deferred, in case we die in a sim step or something where
352        # its illegal to modify nodes)
353        if scoreboard is None:
354            return
356        try:
357            ba.pushcall(ba.Call(scoreboard.remove_team, self._team_id))
358        except ba.ContextError:
359            # This happens if we fire after the activity expires.
360            # In that case we don't need to do anything.
361            pass
364class Scoreboard:
365    """A display for player or team scores during a game.
367    category: Gameplay Classes
368    """
370    _ENTRYSTORENAME = ba.storagename('entry')
372    def __init__(self, label: ba.Lstr | None = None, score_split: float = 0.7):
373        """Instantiate a scoreboard.
375        Label can be something like 'points' and will
376        show up on boards if provided.
377        """
378        self._flat_tex = ba.gettexture('null')
379        self._entries: dict[int, _Entry] = {}
380        self._label = label
381        self.score_split = score_split
383        # For free-for-all we go simpler since we have one per player.
384        self._pos: Sequence[float]
385        if isinstance(ba.getsession(), ba.FreeForAllSession):
386            self._do_cover = False
387            self._spacing = 35.0
388            self._pos = (17.0, -65.0)
389            self._scale = 0.8
390            self._flash_length = 0.5
391        else:
392            self._do_cover = True
393            self._spacing = 50.0
394            self._pos = (20.0, -70.0)
395            self._scale = 1.0
396            self._flash_length = 1.0
398    def set_team_value(
399        self,
400        team: ba.Team,
401        score: float,
402        max_score: float | None = None,
403        countdown: bool = False,
404        flash: bool = True,
405        show_value: bool = True,
406    ) -> None:
407        """Update the score-board display for the given ba.Team."""
408        if not in self._entries:
409            self._add_team(team)
411            # Create a proxy in the team which will kill
412            # our entry when it dies (for convenience)
413            assert self._ENTRYSTORENAME not in team.customdata
414            team.customdata[self._ENTRYSTORENAME] = _EntryProxy(self, team)
416        # Now set the entry.
417        self._entries[].set_value(
418            score=score,
419            max_score=max_score,
420            countdown=countdown,
421            flash=flash,
422            show_value=show_value,
423        )
425    def _add_team(self, team: ba.Team) -> None:
426        if in self._entries:
427            raise RuntimeError('Duplicate team add')
428        self._entries[] = _Entry(
429            self,
430            team,
431            do_cover=self._do_cover,
432            scale=self._scale,
433            label=self._label,
434            flash_length=self._flash_length,
435        )
436        self._update_teams()
438    def remove_team(self, team_id: int) -> None:
439        """Remove the team with the given id from the scoreboard."""
440        del self._entries[team_id]
441        self._update_teams()
443    def _update_teams(self) -> None:
444        pos = list(self._pos)
445        for entry in list(self._entries.values()):
446            entry.set_position(pos)
447            pos[1] -= self._spacing * self._scale
class Scoreboard:
365class Scoreboard:
366    """A display for player or team scores during a game.
368    category: Gameplay Classes
369    """
371    _ENTRYSTORENAME = ba.storagename('entry')
373    def __init__(self, label: ba.Lstr | None = None, score_split: float = 0.7):
374        """Instantiate a scoreboard.
376        Label can be something like 'points' and will
377        show up on boards if provided.
378        """
379        self._flat_tex = ba.gettexture('null')
380        self._entries: dict[int, _Entry] = {}
381        self._label = label
382        self.score_split = score_split
384        # For free-for-all we go simpler since we have one per player.
385        self._pos: Sequence[float]
386        if isinstance(ba.getsession(), ba.FreeForAllSession):
387            self._do_cover = False
388            self._spacing = 35.0
389            self._pos = (17.0, -65.0)
390            self._scale = 0.8
391            self._flash_length = 0.5
392        else:
393            self._do_cover = True
394            self._spacing = 50.0
395            self._pos = (20.0, -70.0)
396            self._scale = 1.0
397            self._flash_length = 1.0
399    def set_team_value(
400        self,
401        team: ba.Team,
402        score: float,
403        max_score: float | None = None,
404        countdown: bool = False,
405        flash: bool = True,
406        show_value: bool = True,
407    ) -> None:
408        """Update the score-board display for the given ba.Team."""
409        if not in self._entries:
410            self._add_team(team)
412            # Create a proxy in the team which will kill
413            # our entry when it dies (for convenience)
414            assert self._ENTRYSTORENAME not in team.customdata
415            team.customdata[self._ENTRYSTORENAME] = _EntryProxy(self, team)
417        # Now set the entry.
418        self._entries[].set_value(
419            score=score,
420            max_score=max_score,
421            countdown=countdown,
422            flash=flash,
423            show_value=show_value,
424        )
426    def _add_team(self, team: ba.Team) -> None:
427        if in self._entries:
428            raise RuntimeError('Duplicate team add')
429        self._entries[] = _Entry(
430            self,
431            team,
432            do_cover=self._do_cover,
433            scale=self._scale,
434            label=self._label,
435            flash_length=self._flash_length,
436        )
437        self._update_teams()
439    def remove_team(self, team_id: int) -> None:
440        """Remove the team with the given id from the scoreboard."""
441        del self._entries[team_id]
442        self._update_teams()
444    def _update_teams(self) -> None:
445        pos = list(self._pos)
446        for entry in list(self._entries.values()):
447            entry.set_position(pos)
448            pos[1] -= self._spacing * self._scale

A display for player or team scores during a game.

category: Gameplay Classes

Scoreboard(label: ba._language.Lstr | None = None, score_split: float = 0.7)
373    def __init__(self, label: ba.Lstr | None = None, score_split: float = 0.7):
374        """Instantiate a scoreboard.
376        Label can be something like 'points' and will
377        show up on boards if provided.
378        """
379        self._flat_tex = ba.gettexture('null')
380        self._entries: dict[int, _Entry] = {}
381        self._label = label
382        self.score_split = score_split
384        # For free-for-all we go simpler since we have one per player.
385        self._pos: Sequence[float]
386        if isinstance(ba.getsession(), ba.FreeForAllSession):
387            self._do_cover = False
388            self._spacing = 35.0
389            self._pos = (17.0, -65.0)
390            self._scale = 0.8
391            self._flash_length = 0.5
392        else:
393            self._do_cover = True
394            self._spacing = 50.0
395            self._pos = (20.0, -70.0)
396            self._scale = 1.0
397            self._flash_length = 1.0

Instantiate a scoreboard.

Label can be something like 'points' and will show up on boards if provided.

def set_team_value( self, team: ba._team.Team, score: float, max_score: float | None = None, countdown: bool = False, flash: bool = True, show_value: bool = True) -> None:
399    def set_team_value(
400        self,
401        team: ba.Team,
402        score: float,
403        max_score: float | None = None,
404        countdown: bool = False,
405        flash: bool = True,
406        show_value: bool = True,
407    ) -> None:
408        """Update the score-board display for the given ba.Team."""
409        if not in self._entries:
410            self._add_team(team)
412            # Create a proxy in the team which will kill
413            # our entry when it dies (for convenience)
414            assert self._ENTRYSTORENAME not in team.customdata
415            team.customdata[self._ENTRYSTORENAME] = _EntryProxy(self, team)
417        # Now set the entry.
418        self._entries[].set_value(
419            score=score,
420            max_score=max_score,
421            countdown=countdown,
422            flash=flash,
423            show_value=show_value,
424        )

Update the score-board display for the given ba.Team.

def remove_team(self, team_id: int) -> None:
439    def remove_team(self, team_id: int) -> None:
440        """Remove the team with the given id from the scoreboard."""
441        del self._entries[team_id]
442        self._update_teams()

Remove the team with the given id from the scoreboard.