Defines Actor(s).

  1# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
  3"""Defines Actor(s)."""
  5from __future__ import annotations
  7from enum import Enum
  8from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, override
 10import bascenev1 as bs
 13    from typing import Any, Sequence
 16class Text(bs.Actor):
 17    """Text with some tricks."""
 19    class Transition(Enum):
 20        """Transition types for text."""
 22        FADE_IN = 'fade_in'
 23        IN_RIGHT = 'in_right'
 24        IN_LEFT = 'in_left'
 25        IN_BOTTOM = 'in_bottom'
 26        IN_BOTTOM_SLOW = 'in_bottom_slow'
 27        IN_TOP_SLOW = 'in_top_slow'
 29    class HAlign(Enum):
 30        """Horizontal alignment type."""
 32        LEFT = 'left'
 33        CENTER = 'center'
 34        RIGHT = 'right'
 36    class VAlign(Enum):
 37        """Vertical alignment type."""
 39        NONE = 'none'
 40        CENTER = 'center'
 42    class HAttach(Enum):
 43        """Horizontal attach type."""
 45        LEFT = 'left'
 46        CENTER = 'center'
 47        RIGHT = 'right'
 49    class VAttach(Enum):
 50        """Vertical attach type."""
 52        BOTTOM = 'bottom'
 53        CENTER = 'center'
 54        TOP = 'top'
 56    def __init__(
 57        self,
 58        text: str | bs.Lstr,
 59        position: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0),
 60        h_align: HAlign = HAlign.LEFT,
 61        v_align: VAlign = VAlign.NONE,
 62        color: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
 63        transition: Transition | None = None,
 64        transition_delay: float = 0.0,
 65        flash: bool = False,
 66        v_attach: VAttach = VAttach.CENTER,
 67        h_attach: HAttach = HAttach.CENTER,
 68        scale: float = 1.0,
 69        transition_out_delay: float | None = None,
 70        maxwidth: float | None = None,
 71        shadow: float = 0.5,
 72        flatness: float = 0.0,
 73        vr_depth: float = 0.0,
 74        host_only: bool = False,
 75        front: bool = False,
 76    ):
 77        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
 78        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
 79        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
 80        super().__init__()
 81        self.node = bs.newnode(
 82            'text',
 83            delegate=self,
 84            attrs={
 85                'text': text,
 86                'color': color,
 87                'position': position,
 88                'h_align': h_align.value,
 89                'vr_depth': vr_depth,
 90                'v_align': v_align.value,
 91                'h_attach': h_attach.value,
 92                'v_attach': v_attach.value,
 93                'shadow': shadow,
 94                'flatness': flatness,
 95                'maxwidth': 0.0 if maxwidth is None else maxwidth,
 96                'host_only': host_only,
 97                'front': front,
 98                'scale': scale,
 99            },
100        )
102        if transition is self.Transition.FADE_IN:
103            if flash:
104                raise RuntimeError(
105                    'fixme: flash and fade-in currently cant both be on'
106                )
107            cmb = bs.newnode(
108                'combine',
109                owner=self.node,
110                attrs={
111                    'input0': color[0],
112                    'input1': color[1],
113                    'input2': color[2],
114                    'size': 4,
115                },
116            )
117            keys = {transition_delay: 0.0, transition_delay + 0.5: color[3]}
118            if transition_out_delay is not None:
119                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay] = color[3]
120                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.5] = 0.0
121            bs.animate(cmb, 'input3', keys)
122            cmb.connectattr('output', self.node, 'color')
124        if flash:
125            mult = 2.0
126            tm1 = 0.15
127            tm2 = 0.3
128            cmb = bs.newnode('combine', owner=self.node, attrs={'size': 4})
129            bs.animate(
130                cmb,
131                'input0',
132                {0.0: color[0] * mult, tm1: color[0], tm2: color[0] * mult},
133                loop=True,
134            )
135            bs.animate(
136                cmb,
137                'input1',
138                {0.0: color[1] * mult, tm1: color[1], tm2: color[1] * mult},
139                loop=True,
140            )
141            bs.animate(
142                cmb,
143                'input2',
144                {0.0: color[2] * mult, tm1: color[2], tm2: color[2] * mult},
145                loop=True,
146            )
147            cmb.input3 = color[3]
148            cmb.connectattr('output', self.node, 'color')
150        cmb = self.position_combine = bs.newnode(
151            'combine', owner=self.node, attrs={'size': 2}
152        )
154        if transition is self.Transition.IN_RIGHT:
155            keys = {
156                transition_delay: position[0] + 1300,
157                transition_delay + 0.2: position[0],
158            }
159            o_keys = {transition_delay: 0.0, transition_delay + 0.05: 1.0}
160            bs.animate(cmb, 'input0', keys)
161            cmb.input1 = position[1]
162            bs.animate(self.node, 'opacity', o_keys)
163        elif transition is self.Transition.IN_LEFT:
164            keys = {
165                transition_delay: position[0] - 1300,
166                transition_delay + 0.2: position[0],
167            }
168            o_keys = {transition_delay: 0.0, transition_delay + 0.05: 1.0}
169            if transition_out_delay is not None:
170                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay] = position[0]
171                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.2] = (
172                    position[0] - 1300.0
173                )
174                o_keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.15] = 1.0
175                o_keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.2] = 0.0
176            bs.animate(cmb, 'input0', keys)
177            cmb.input1 = position[1]
178            bs.animate(self.node, 'opacity', o_keys)
179        elif transition is self.Transition.IN_BOTTOM_SLOW:
180            keys = {
181                transition_delay: -100.0,
182                transition_delay + 1.0: position[1],
183            }
184            o_keys = {transition_delay: 0.0, transition_delay + 0.2: 1.0}
185            cmb.input0 = position[0]
186            bs.animate(cmb, 'input1', keys)
187            bs.animate(self.node, 'opacity', o_keys)
188        elif transition is self.Transition.IN_BOTTOM:
189            keys = {
190                transition_delay: -100.0,
191                transition_delay + 0.2: position[1],
192            }
193            o_keys = {transition_delay: 0.0, transition_delay + 0.05: 1.0}
194            if transition_out_delay is not None:
195                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay] = position[1]
196                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.2] = -100.0
197                o_keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.15] = 1.0
198                o_keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.2] = 0.0
199            cmb.input0 = position[0]
200            bs.animate(cmb, 'input1', keys)
201            bs.animate(self.node, 'opacity', o_keys)
202        elif transition is self.Transition.IN_TOP_SLOW:
203            keys = {
204                transition_delay: 400.0,
205                transition_delay + 3.5: position[1],
206            }
207            o_keys = {transition_delay: 0, transition_delay + 1.0: 1.0}
208            cmb.input0 = position[0]
209            bs.animate(cmb, 'input1', keys)
210            bs.animate(self.node, 'opacity', o_keys)
211        else:
212            assert transition is self.Transition.FADE_IN or transition is None
213            cmb.input0 = position[0]
214            cmb.input1 = position[1]
215        cmb.connectattr('output', self.node, 'position')
217        # If we're transitioning out, die at the end of it.
218        if transition_out_delay is not None:
219            bs.timer(
220                transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 1.0,
221                bs.WeakCall(self.handlemessage, bs.DieMessage()),
222            )
224    @override
225    def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
226        assert not self.expired
227        if isinstance(msg, bs.DieMessage):
228            if self.node:
229                self.node.delete()
230            return None
231        return super().handlemessage(msg)
class Text(bascenev1._actor.Actor):
 17class Text(bs.Actor):
 18    """Text with some tricks."""
 20    class Transition(Enum):
 21        """Transition types for text."""
 23        FADE_IN = 'fade_in'
 24        IN_RIGHT = 'in_right'
 25        IN_LEFT = 'in_left'
 26        IN_BOTTOM = 'in_bottom'
 27        IN_BOTTOM_SLOW = 'in_bottom_slow'
 28        IN_TOP_SLOW = 'in_top_slow'
 30    class HAlign(Enum):
 31        """Horizontal alignment type."""
 33        LEFT = 'left'
 34        CENTER = 'center'
 35        RIGHT = 'right'
 37    class VAlign(Enum):
 38        """Vertical alignment type."""
 40        NONE = 'none'
 41        CENTER = 'center'
 43    class HAttach(Enum):
 44        """Horizontal attach type."""
 46        LEFT = 'left'
 47        CENTER = 'center'
 48        RIGHT = 'right'
 50    class VAttach(Enum):
 51        """Vertical attach type."""
 53        BOTTOM = 'bottom'
 54        CENTER = 'center'
 55        TOP = 'top'
 57    def __init__(
 58        self,
 59        text: str | bs.Lstr,
 60        position: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0),
 61        h_align: HAlign = HAlign.LEFT,
 62        v_align: VAlign = VAlign.NONE,
 63        color: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
 64        transition: Transition | None = None,
 65        transition_delay: float = 0.0,
 66        flash: bool = False,
 67        v_attach: VAttach = VAttach.CENTER,
 68        h_attach: HAttach = HAttach.CENTER,
 69        scale: float = 1.0,
 70        transition_out_delay: float | None = None,
 71        maxwidth: float | None = None,
 72        shadow: float = 0.5,
 73        flatness: float = 0.0,
 74        vr_depth: float = 0.0,
 75        host_only: bool = False,
 76        front: bool = False,
 77    ):
 78        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
 79        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
 80        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
 81        super().__init__()
 82        self.node = bs.newnode(
 83            'text',
 84            delegate=self,
 85            attrs={
 86                'text': text,
 87                'color': color,
 88                'position': position,
 89                'h_align': h_align.value,
 90                'vr_depth': vr_depth,
 91                'v_align': v_align.value,
 92                'h_attach': h_attach.value,
 93                'v_attach': v_attach.value,
 94                'shadow': shadow,
 95                'flatness': flatness,
 96                'maxwidth': 0.0 if maxwidth is None else maxwidth,
 97                'host_only': host_only,
 98                'front': front,
 99                'scale': scale,
100            },
101        )
103        if transition is self.Transition.FADE_IN:
104            if flash:
105                raise RuntimeError(
106                    'fixme: flash and fade-in currently cant both be on'
107                )
108            cmb = bs.newnode(
109                'combine',
110                owner=self.node,
111                attrs={
112                    'input0': color[0],
113                    'input1': color[1],
114                    'input2': color[2],
115                    'size': 4,
116                },
117            )
118            keys = {transition_delay: 0.0, transition_delay + 0.5: color[3]}
119            if transition_out_delay is not None:
120                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay] = color[3]
121                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.5] = 0.0
122            bs.animate(cmb, 'input3', keys)
123            cmb.connectattr('output', self.node, 'color')
125        if flash:
126            mult = 2.0
127            tm1 = 0.15
128            tm2 = 0.3
129            cmb = bs.newnode('combine', owner=self.node, attrs={'size': 4})
130            bs.animate(
131                cmb,
132                'input0',
133                {0.0: color[0] * mult, tm1: color[0], tm2: color[0] * mult},
134                loop=True,
135            )
136            bs.animate(
137                cmb,
138                'input1',
139                {0.0: color[1] * mult, tm1: color[1], tm2: color[1] * mult},
140                loop=True,
141            )
142            bs.animate(
143                cmb,
144                'input2',
145                {0.0: color[2] * mult, tm1: color[2], tm2: color[2] * mult},
146                loop=True,
147            )
148            cmb.input3 = color[3]
149            cmb.connectattr('output', self.node, 'color')
151        cmb = self.position_combine = bs.newnode(
152            'combine', owner=self.node, attrs={'size': 2}
153        )
155        if transition is self.Transition.IN_RIGHT:
156            keys = {
157                transition_delay: position[0] + 1300,
158                transition_delay + 0.2: position[0],
159            }
160            o_keys = {transition_delay: 0.0, transition_delay + 0.05: 1.0}
161            bs.animate(cmb, 'input0', keys)
162            cmb.input1 = position[1]
163            bs.animate(self.node, 'opacity', o_keys)
164        elif transition is self.Transition.IN_LEFT:
165            keys = {
166                transition_delay: position[0] - 1300,
167                transition_delay + 0.2: position[0],
168            }
169            o_keys = {transition_delay: 0.0, transition_delay + 0.05: 1.0}
170            if transition_out_delay is not None:
171                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay] = position[0]
172                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.2] = (
173                    position[0] - 1300.0
174                )
175                o_keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.15] = 1.0
176                o_keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.2] = 0.0
177            bs.animate(cmb, 'input0', keys)
178            cmb.input1 = position[1]
179            bs.animate(self.node, 'opacity', o_keys)
180        elif transition is self.Transition.IN_BOTTOM_SLOW:
181            keys = {
182                transition_delay: -100.0,
183                transition_delay + 1.0: position[1],
184            }
185            o_keys = {transition_delay: 0.0, transition_delay + 0.2: 1.0}
186            cmb.input0 = position[0]
187            bs.animate(cmb, 'input1', keys)
188            bs.animate(self.node, 'opacity', o_keys)
189        elif transition is self.Transition.IN_BOTTOM:
190            keys = {
191                transition_delay: -100.0,
192                transition_delay + 0.2: position[1],
193            }
194            o_keys = {transition_delay: 0.0, transition_delay + 0.05: 1.0}
195            if transition_out_delay is not None:
196                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay] = position[1]
197                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.2] = -100.0
198                o_keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.15] = 1.0
199                o_keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.2] = 0.0
200            cmb.input0 = position[0]
201            bs.animate(cmb, 'input1', keys)
202            bs.animate(self.node, 'opacity', o_keys)
203        elif transition is self.Transition.IN_TOP_SLOW:
204            keys = {
205                transition_delay: 400.0,
206                transition_delay + 3.5: position[1],
207            }
208            o_keys = {transition_delay: 0, transition_delay + 1.0: 1.0}
209            cmb.input0 = position[0]
210            bs.animate(cmb, 'input1', keys)
211            bs.animate(self.node, 'opacity', o_keys)
212        else:
213            assert transition is self.Transition.FADE_IN or transition is None
214            cmb.input0 = position[0]
215            cmb.input1 = position[1]
216        cmb.connectattr('output', self.node, 'position')
218        # If we're transitioning out, die at the end of it.
219        if transition_out_delay is not None:
220            bs.timer(
221                transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 1.0,
222                bs.WeakCall(self.handlemessage, bs.DieMessage()),
223            )
225    @override
226    def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
227        assert not self.expired
228        if isinstance(msg, bs.DieMessage):
229            if self.node:
230                self.node.delete()
231            return None
232        return super().handlemessage(msg)

Text with some tricks.

Text( text: str | babase.Lstr, position: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0), h_align: Text.HAlign = <HAlign.LEFT: 'left'>, v_align: Text.VAlign = <VAlign.NONE: 'none'>, color: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), transition: Text.Transition | None = None, transition_delay: float = 0.0, flash: bool = False, v_attach: Text.VAttach = <VAttach.CENTER: 'center'>, h_attach: Text.HAttach = <HAttach.CENTER: 'center'>, scale: float = 1.0, transition_out_delay: float | None = None, maxwidth: float | None = None, shadow: float = 0.5, flatness: float = 0.0, vr_depth: float = 0.0, host_only: bool = False, front: bool = False)
 57    def __init__(
 58        self,
 59        text: str | bs.Lstr,
 60        position: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0),
 61        h_align: HAlign = HAlign.LEFT,
 62        v_align: VAlign = VAlign.NONE,
 63        color: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
 64        transition: Transition | None = None,
 65        transition_delay: float = 0.0,
 66        flash: bool = False,
 67        v_attach: VAttach = VAttach.CENTER,
 68        h_attach: HAttach = HAttach.CENTER,
 69        scale: float = 1.0,
 70        transition_out_delay: float | None = None,
 71        maxwidth: float | None = None,
 72        shadow: float = 0.5,
 73        flatness: float = 0.0,
 74        vr_depth: float = 0.0,
 75        host_only: bool = False,
 76        front: bool = False,
 77    ):
 78        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
 79        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
 80        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
 81        super().__init__()
 82        self.node = bs.newnode(
 83            'text',
 84            delegate=self,
 85            attrs={
 86                'text': text,
 87                'color': color,
 88                'position': position,
 89                'h_align': h_align.value,
 90                'vr_depth': vr_depth,
 91                'v_align': v_align.value,
 92                'h_attach': h_attach.value,
 93                'v_attach': v_attach.value,
 94                'shadow': shadow,
 95                'flatness': flatness,
 96                'maxwidth': 0.0 if maxwidth is None else maxwidth,
 97                'host_only': host_only,
 98                'front': front,
 99                'scale': scale,
100            },
101        )
103        if transition is self.Transition.FADE_IN:
104            if flash:
105                raise RuntimeError(
106                    'fixme: flash and fade-in currently cant both be on'
107                )
108            cmb = bs.newnode(
109                'combine',
110                owner=self.node,
111                attrs={
112                    'input0': color[0],
113                    'input1': color[1],
114                    'input2': color[2],
115                    'size': 4,
116                },
117            )
118            keys = {transition_delay: 0.0, transition_delay + 0.5: color[3]}
119            if transition_out_delay is not None:
120                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay] = color[3]
121                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.5] = 0.0
122            bs.animate(cmb, 'input3', keys)
123            cmb.connectattr('output', self.node, 'color')
125        if flash:
126            mult = 2.0
127            tm1 = 0.15
128            tm2 = 0.3
129            cmb = bs.newnode('combine', owner=self.node, attrs={'size': 4})
130            bs.animate(
131                cmb,
132                'input0',
133                {0.0: color[0] * mult, tm1: color[0], tm2: color[0] * mult},
134                loop=True,
135            )
136            bs.animate(
137                cmb,
138                'input1',
139                {0.0: color[1] * mult, tm1: color[1], tm2: color[1] * mult},
140                loop=True,
141            )
142            bs.animate(
143                cmb,
144                'input2',
145                {0.0: color[2] * mult, tm1: color[2], tm2: color[2] * mult},
146                loop=True,
147            )
148            cmb.input3 = color[3]
149            cmb.connectattr('output', self.node, 'color')
151        cmb = self.position_combine = bs.newnode(
152            'combine', owner=self.node, attrs={'size': 2}
153        )
155        if transition is self.Transition.IN_RIGHT:
156            keys = {
157                transition_delay: position[0] + 1300,
158                transition_delay + 0.2: position[0],
159            }
160            o_keys = {transition_delay: 0.0, transition_delay + 0.05: 1.0}
161            bs.animate(cmb, 'input0', keys)
162            cmb.input1 = position[1]
163            bs.animate(self.node, 'opacity', o_keys)
164        elif transition is self.Transition.IN_LEFT:
165            keys = {
166                transition_delay: position[0] - 1300,
167                transition_delay + 0.2: position[0],
168            }
169            o_keys = {transition_delay: 0.0, transition_delay + 0.05: 1.0}
170            if transition_out_delay is not None:
171                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay] = position[0]
172                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.2] = (
173                    position[0] - 1300.0
174                )
175                o_keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.15] = 1.0
176                o_keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.2] = 0.0
177            bs.animate(cmb, 'input0', keys)
178            cmb.input1 = position[1]
179            bs.animate(self.node, 'opacity', o_keys)
180        elif transition is self.Transition.IN_BOTTOM_SLOW:
181            keys = {
182                transition_delay: -100.0,
183                transition_delay + 1.0: position[1],
184            }
185            o_keys = {transition_delay: 0.0, transition_delay + 0.2: 1.0}
186            cmb.input0 = position[0]
187            bs.animate(cmb, 'input1', keys)
188            bs.animate(self.node, 'opacity', o_keys)
189        elif transition is self.Transition.IN_BOTTOM:
190            keys = {
191                transition_delay: -100.0,
192                transition_delay + 0.2: position[1],
193            }
194            o_keys = {transition_delay: 0.0, transition_delay + 0.05: 1.0}
195            if transition_out_delay is not None:
196                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay] = position[1]
197                keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.2] = -100.0
198                o_keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.15] = 1.0
199                o_keys[transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 0.2] = 0.0
200            cmb.input0 = position[0]
201            bs.animate(cmb, 'input1', keys)
202            bs.animate(self.node, 'opacity', o_keys)
203        elif transition is self.Transition.IN_TOP_SLOW:
204            keys = {
205                transition_delay: 400.0,
206                transition_delay + 3.5: position[1],
207            }
208            o_keys = {transition_delay: 0, transition_delay + 1.0: 1.0}
209            cmb.input0 = position[0]
210            bs.animate(cmb, 'input1', keys)
211            bs.animate(self.node, 'opacity', o_keys)
212        else:
213            assert transition is self.Transition.FADE_IN or transition is None
214            cmb.input0 = position[0]
215            cmb.input1 = position[1]
216        cmb.connectattr('output', self.node, 'position')
218        # If we're transitioning out, die at the end of it.
219        if transition_out_delay is not None:
220            bs.timer(
221                transition_delay + transition_out_delay + 1.0,
222                bs.WeakCall(self.handlemessage, bs.DieMessage()),
223            )

Instantiates an Actor in the current bascenev1.Activity.

def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
225    @override
226    def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
227        assert not self.expired
228        if isinstance(msg, bs.DieMessage):
229            if self.node:
230                self.node.delete()
231            return None
232        return super().handlemessage(msg)

General message handling; can be passed any message object.

Inherited Members
class Text.Transition(enum.Enum):
20    class Transition(Enum):
21        """Transition types for text."""
23        FADE_IN = 'fade_in'
24        IN_RIGHT = 'in_right'
25        IN_LEFT = 'in_left'
26        IN_BOTTOM = 'in_bottom'
27        IN_BOTTOM_SLOW = 'in_bottom_slow'
28        IN_TOP_SLOW = 'in_top_slow'

Transition types for text.

FADE_IN = <Transition.FADE_IN: 'fade_in'>
IN_RIGHT = <Transition.IN_RIGHT: 'in_right'>
IN_LEFT = <Transition.IN_LEFT: 'in_left'>
IN_BOTTOM = <Transition.IN_BOTTOM: 'in_bottom'>
IN_BOTTOM_SLOW = <Transition.IN_BOTTOM_SLOW: 'in_bottom_slow'>
IN_TOP_SLOW = <Transition.IN_TOP_SLOW: 'in_top_slow'>
Inherited Members
class Text.HAlign(enum.Enum):
30    class HAlign(Enum):
31        """Horizontal alignment type."""
33        LEFT = 'left'
34        CENTER = 'center'
35        RIGHT = 'right'

Horizontal alignment type.

LEFT = <HAlign.LEFT: 'left'>
CENTER = <HAlign.CENTER: 'center'>
RIGHT = <HAlign.RIGHT: 'right'>
Inherited Members
class Text.VAlign(enum.Enum):
37    class VAlign(Enum):
38        """Vertical alignment type."""
40        NONE = 'none'
41        CENTER = 'center'

Vertical alignment type.

NONE = <VAlign.NONE: 'none'>
CENTER = <VAlign.CENTER: 'center'>
Inherited Members
class Text.HAttach(enum.Enum):
43    class HAttach(Enum):
44        """Horizontal attach type."""
46        LEFT = 'left'
47        CENTER = 'center'
48        RIGHT = 'right'

Horizontal attach type.

LEFT = <HAttach.LEFT: 'left'>
CENTER = <HAttach.CENTER: 'center'>
RIGHT = <HAttach.RIGHT: 'right'>
Inherited Members
class Text.VAttach(enum.Enum):
50    class VAttach(Enum):
51        """Vertical attach type."""
53        BOTTOM = 'bottom'
54        CENTER = 'center'
55        TOP = 'top'

Vertical attach type.

BOTTOM = <VAttach.BOTTOM: 'bottom'>
CENTER = <VAttach.CENTER: 'center'>
TOP = <VAttach.TOP: 'top'>
Inherited Members