Implements a flag used for marking bases, capture-the-flag games, etc.

  1# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
  3"""Implements a flag used for marking bases, capture-the-flag games, etc."""
  5from __future__ import annotations
  7from dataclasses import dataclass
  8from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, override
 10import bascenev1 as bs
 12from bascenev1lib.gameutils import SharedObjects
 15    from typing import Any, Sequence
 18class FlagFactory:
 19    """Wraps up media and other resources used by `Flag`s.
 21    Category: **Gameplay Classes**
 23    A single instance of this is shared between all flags
 24    and can be retrieved via FlagFactory.get().
 25    """
 27    flagmaterial: bs.Material
 28    """The bs.Material applied to all `Flag`s."""
 30    impact_sound: bs.Sound
 31    """The bs.Sound used when a `Flag` hits the ground."""
 33    skid_sound: bs.Sound
 34    """The bs.Sound used when a `Flag` skids along the ground."""
 36    no_hit_material: bs.Material
 37    """A bs.Material that prevents contact with most objects;
 38       applied to 'non-touchable' flags."""
 40    flag_texture: bs.Texture
 41    """The bs.Texture for flags."""
 43    _STORENAME = bs.storagename()
 45    def __init__(self) -> None:
 46        """Instantiate a `FlagFactory`.
 48        You shouldn't need to do this; call FlagFactory.get() to
 49        get a shared instance.
 50        """
 51        shared = SharedObjects.get()
 52        self.flagmaterial = bs.Material()
 53        self.flagmaterial.add_actions(
 54            conditions=(
 55                ('we_are_younger_than', 100),
 56                'and',
 57                ('they_have_material', shared.object_material),
 58            ),
 59            actions=('modify_node_collision', 'collide', False),
 60        )
 62        self.flagmaterial.add_actions(
 63            conditions=(
 64                'they_have_material',
 65                shared.footing_material,
 66            ),
 67            actions=(
 68                ('message', 'our_node', 'at_connect', 'footing', 1),
 69                ('message', 'our_node', 'at_disconnect', 'footing', -1),
 70            ),
 71        )
 73        self.impact_sound = bs.getsound('metalHit')
 74        self.skid_sound = bs.getsound('metalSkid')
 75        self.flagmaterial.add_actions(
 76            conditions=(
 77                'they_have_material',
 78                shared.footing_material,
 79            ),
 80            actions=(
 81                ('impact_sound', self.impact_sound, 2, 5),
 82                ('skid_sound', self.skid_sound, 2, 5),
 83            ),
 84        )
 86        self.no_hit_material = bs.Material()
 87        self.no_hit_material.add_actions(
 88            conditions=(
 89                ('they_have_material', shared.pickup_material),
 90                'or',
 91                ('they_have_material', shared.attack_material),
 92            ),
 93            actions=('modify_part_collision', 'collide', False),
 94        )
 96        # We also don't want anything moving it.
 97        self.no_hit_material.add_actions(
 98            conditions=(
 99                ('they_have_material', shared.object_material),
100                'or',
101                ('they_dont_have_material', shared.footing_material),
102            ),
103            actions=(
104                ('modify_part_collision', 'collide', False),
105                ('modify_part_collision', 'physical', False),
106            ),
107        )
109        self.flag_texture = bs.gettexture('flagColor')
111    @classmethod
112    def get(cls) -> FlagFactory:
113        """Get/create a shared `FlagFactory` instance."""
114        activity = bs.getactivity()
115        factory = activity.customdata.get(cls._STORENAME)
116        if factory is None:
117            factory = FlagFactory()
118            activity.customdata[cls._STORENAME] = factory
119        assert isinstance(factory, FlagFactory)
120        return factory
124class FlagPickedUpMessage:
125    """A message saying a `Flag` has been picked up.
127    Category: **Message Classes**
128    """
130    flag: Flag
131    """The `Flag` that has been picked up."""
133    node: bs.Node
134    """The bs.Node doing the picking up."""
138class FlagDiedMessage:
139    """A message saying a `Flag` has died.
141    Category: **Message Classes**
142    """
144    flag: Flag
145    """The `Flag` that died."""
149class FlagDroppedMessage:
150    """A message saying a `Flag` has been dropped.
152    Category: **Message Classes**
153    """
155    flag: Flag
156    """The `Flag` that was dropped."""
158    node: bs.Node
159    """The bs.Node that was holding it."""
162class Flag(bs.Actor):
163    """A flag; used in games such as capture-the-flag or king-of-the-hill.
165    Category: **Gameplay Classes**
167    Can be stationary or carry-able by players.
168    """
170    def __init__(
171        self,
172        *,
173        position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
174        color: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
175        materials: Sequence[bs.Material] | None = None,
176        touchable: bool = True,
177        dropped_timeout: int | None = None,
178    ):
179        """Instantiate a flag.
181        If 'touchable' is False, the flag will only touch terrain;
182        useful for things like king-of-the-hill where players should
183        not be moving the flag around.
185        'materials can be a list of extra `bs.Material`s to apply to the flag.
187        If 'dropped_timeout' is provided (in seconds), the flag will die
188        after remaining untouched for that long once it has been moved
189        from its initial position.
190        """
192        super().__init__()
194        self._initial_position: Sequence[float] | None = None
195        self._has_moved = False
196        shared = SharedObjects.get()
197        factory = FlagFactory.get()
199        if materials is None:
200            materials = []
201        elif not isinstance(materials, list):
202            # In case they passed a tuple or whatnot.
203            materials = list(materials)
204        if not touchable:
205            materials = [factory.no_hit_material] + materials
207        finalmaterials = [
208            shared.object_material,
209            factory.flagmaterial,
210        ] + materials
211        self.node = bs.newnode(
212            'flag',
213            attrs={
214                'position': (position[0], position[1] + 0.75, position[2]),
215                'color_texture': factory.flag_texture,
216                'color': color,
217                'materials': finalmaterials,
218            },
219            delegate=self,
220        )
222        if dropped_timeout is not None:
223            dropped_timeout = int(dropped_timeout)
224        self._dropped_timeout = dropped_timeout
225        self._counter: bs.Node | None
226        if self._dropped_timeout is not None:
227            self._count = self._dropped_timeout
228            self._tick_timer = bs.Timer(
229                1.0, call=bs.WeakCall(self._tick), repeat=True
230            )
231            self._counter = bs.newnode(
232                'text',
233                owner=self.node,
234                attrs={
235                    'in_world': True,
236                    'color': (1, 1, 1, 0.7),
237                    'scale': 0.015,
238                    'shadow': 0.5,
239                    'flatness': 1.0,
240                    'h_align': 'center',
241                },
242            )
243        else:
244            self._counter = None
246        self._held_count = 0
247        self._score_text: bs.Node | None = None
248        self._score_text_hide_timer: bs.Timer | None = None
250    def _tick(self) -> None:
251        if self.node:
252            # Grab our initial position after one tick (in case we fall).
253            if self._initial_position is None:
254                self._initial_position = self.node.position
256                # Keep track of when we first move; we don't count down
257                # until then.
258            if not self._has_moved:
259                nodepos = self.node.position
260                if (
261                    max(
262                        abs(nodepos[i] - self._initial_position[i])
263                        for i in list(range(3))
264                    )
265                    > 1.0
266                ):
267                    self._has_moved = True
269            if self._held_count > 0 or not self._has_moved:
270                assert self._dropped_timeout is not None
271                assert self._counter
272                self._count = self._dropped_timeout
273                self._counter.text = ''
274            else:
275                self._count -= 1
276                if self._count <= 10:
277                    nodepos = self.node.position
278                    assert self._counter
279                    self._counter.position = (
280                        nodepos[0],
281                        nodepos[1] + 1.3,
282                        nodepos[2],
283                    )
284                    self._counter.text = str(self._count)
285                    if self._count < 1:
286                        self.handlemessage(bs.DieMessage())
287                else:
288                    assert self._counter
289                    self._counter.text = ''
291    def _hide_score_text(self) -> None:
292        assert self._score_text is not None
293        assert isinstance(self._score_text.scale, float)
294        bs.animate(
295            self._score_text, 'scale', {0: self._score_text.scale, 0.2: 0}
296        )
298    def set_score_text(self, text: str) -> None:
299        """Show a message over the flag; handy for scores."""
300        if not self.node:
301            return
302        if not self._score_text:
303            start_scale = 0.0
304            math = bs.newnode(
305                'math',
306                owner=self.node,
307                attrs={'input1': (0, 1.4, 0), 'operation': 'add'},
308            )
309            self.node.connectattr('position', math, 'input2')
310            self._score_text = bs.newnode(
311                'text',
312                owner=self.node,
313                attrs={
314                    'text': text,
315                    'in_world': True,
316                    'scale': 0.02,
317                    'shadow': 0.5,
318                    'flatness': 1.0,
319                    'h_align': 'center',
320                },
321            )
322            math.connectattr('output', self._score_text, 'position')
323        else:
324            assert isinstance(self._score_text.scale, float)
325            start_scale = self._score_text.scale
326            self._score_text.text = text
327        self._score_text.color = bs.safecolor(self.node.color)
328        bs.animate(self._score_text, 'scale', {0: start_scale, 0.2: 0.02})
329        self._score_text_hide_timer = bs.Timer(
330            1.0, bs.WeakCall(self._hide_score_text)
331        )
333    @override
334    def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
335        assert not self.expired
336        if isinstance(msg, bs.DieMessage):
337            if self.node:
338                self.node.delete()
339                if not msg.immediate:
340                    self.activity.handlemessage(FlagDiedMessage(self))
341        elif isinstance(msg, bs.HitMessage):
342            assert self.node
343            assert msg.force_direction is not None
344            self.node.handlemessage(
345                'impulse',
346                msg.pos[0],
347                msg.pos[1],
348                msg.pos[2],
349                msg.velocity[0],
350                msg.velocity[1],
351                msg.velocity[2],
352                msg.magnitude,
353                msg.velocity_magnitude,
354                msg.radius,
355                0,
356                msg.force_direction[0],
357                msg.force_direction[1],
358                msg.force_direction[2],
359            )
360        elif isinstance(msg, bs.PickedUpMessage):
361            self._held_count += 1
362            if self._held_count == 1 and self._counter is not None:
363                self._counter.text = ''
364            self.activity.handlemessage(FlagPickedUpMessage(self, msg.node))
365        elif isinstance(msg, bs.DroppedMessage):
366            self._held_count -= 1
367            if self._held_count < 0:
368                print('Flag held count < 0.')
369                self._held_count = 0
370            self.activity.handlemessage(FlagDroppedMessage(self, msg.node))
371        else:
372            super().handlemessage(msg)
374    @staticmethod
375    def project_stand(pos: Sequence[float]) -> None:
376        """Project a flag-stand onto the ground at the given position.
378        Useful for games such as capture-the-flag to show where a
379        movable flag originated from.
380        """
381        assert len(pos) == 3
382        bs.emitfx(position=pos, emit_type='flag_stand')
class FlagFactory:
 19class FlagFactory:
 20    """Wraps up media and other resources used by `Flag`s.
 22    Category: **Gameplay Classes**
 24    A single instance of this is shared between all flags
 25    and can be retrieved via FlagFactory.get().
 26    """
 28    flagmaterial: bs.Material
 29    """The bs.Material applied to all `Flag`s."""
 31    impact_sound: bs.Sound
 32    """The bs.Sound used when a `Flag` hits the ground."""
 34    skid_sound: bs.Sound
 35    """The bs.Sound used when a `Flag` skids along the ground."""
 37    no_hit_material: bs.Material
 38    """A bs.Material that prevents contact with most objects;
 39       applied to 'non-touchable' flags."""
 41    flag_texture: bs.Texture
 42    """The bs.Texture for flags."""
 44    _STORENAME = bs.storagename()
 46    def __init__(self) -> None:
 47        """Instantiate a `FlagFactory`.
 49        You shouldn't need to do this; call FlagFactory.get() to
 50        get a shared instance.
 51        """
 52        shared = SharedObjects.get()
 53        self.flagmaterial = bs.Material()
 54        self.flagmaterial.add_actions(
 55            conditions=(
 56                ('we_are_younger_than', 100),
 57                'and',
 58                ('they_have_material', shared.object_material),
 59            ),
 60            actions=('modify_node_collision', 'collide', False),
 61        )
 63        self.flagmaterial.add_actions(
 64            conditions=(
 65                'they_have_material',
 66                shared.footing_material,
 67            ),
 68            actions=(
 69                ('message', 'our_node', 'at_connect', 'footing', 1),
 70                ('message', 'our_node', 'at_disconnect', 'footing', -1),
 71            ),
 72        )
 74        self.impact_sound = bs.getsound('metalHit')
 75        self.skid_sound = bs.getsound('metalSkid')
 76        self.flagmaterial.add_actions(
 77            conditions=(
 78                'they_have_material',
 79                shared.footing_material,
 80            ),
 81            actions=(
 82                ('impact_sound', self.impact_sound, 2, 5),
 83                ('skid_sound', self.skid_sound, 2, 5),
 84            ),
 85        )
 87        self.no_hit_material = bs.Material()
 88        self.no_hit_material.add_actions(
 89            conditions=(
 90                ('they_have_material', shared.pickup_material),
 91                'or',
 92                ('they_have_material', shared.attack_material),
 93            ),
 94            actions=('modify_part_collision', 'collide', False),
 95        )
 97        # We also don't want anything moving it.
 98        self.no_hit_material.add_actions(
 99            conditions=(
100                ('they_have_material', shared.object_material),
101                'or',
102                ('they_dont_have_material', shared.footing_material),
103            ),
104            actions=(
105                ('modify_part_collision', 'collide', False),
106                ('modify_part_collision', 'physical', False),
107            ),
108        )
110        self.flag_texture = bs.gettexture('flagColor')
112    @classmethod
113    def get(cls) -> FlagFactory:
114        """Get/create a shared `FlagFactory` instance."""
115        activity = bs.getactivity()
116        factory = activity.customdata.get(cls._STORENAME)
117        if factory is None:
118            factory = FlagFactory()
119            activity.customdata[cls._STORENAME] = factory
120        assert isinstance(factory, FlagFactory)
121        return factory

Wraps up media and other resources used by Flags.

Category: Gameplay Classes

A single instance of this is shared between all flags and can be retrieved via FlagFactory.get().

 46    def __init__(self) -> None:
 47        """Instantiate a `FlagFactory`.
 49        You shouldn't need to do this; call FlagFactory.get() to
 50        get a shared instance.
 51        """
 52        shared = SharedObjects.get()
 53        self.flagmaterial = bs.Material()
 54        self.flagmaterial.add_actions(
 55            conditions=(
 56                ('we_are_younger_than', 100),
 57                'and',
 58                ('they_have_material', shared.object_material),
 59            ),
 60            actions=('modify_node_collision', 'collide', False),
 61        )
 63        self.flagmaterial.add_actions(
 64            conditions=(
 65                'they_have_material',
 66                shared.footing_material,
 67            ),
 68            actions=(
 69                ('message', 'our_node', 'at_connect', 'footing', 1),
 70                ('message', 'our_node', 'at_disconnect', 'footing', -1),
 71            ),
 72        )
 74        self.impact_sound = bs.getsound('metalHit')
 75        self.skid_sound = bs.getsound('metalSkid')
 76        self.flagmaterial.add_actions(
 77            conditions=(
 78                'they_have_material',
 79                shared.footing_material,
 80            ),
 81            actions=(
 82                ('impact_sound', self.impact_sound, 2, 5),
 83                ('skid_sound', self.skid_sound, 2, 5),
 84            ),
 85        )
 87        self.no_hit_material = bs.Material()
 88        self.no_hit_material.add_actions(
 89            conditions=(
 90                ('they_have_material', shared.pickup_material),
 91                'or',
 92                ('they_have_material', shared.attack_material),
 93            ),
 94            actions=('modify_part_collision', 'collide', False),
 95        )
 97        # We also don't want anything moving it.
 98        self.no_hit_material.add_actions(
 99            conditions=(
100                ('they_have_material', shared.object_material),
101                'or',
102                ('they_dont_have_material', shared.footing_material),
103            ),
104            actions=(
105                ('modify_part_collision', 'collide', False),
106                ('modify_part_collision', 'physical', False),
107            ),
108        )
110        self.flag_texture = bs.gettexture('flagColor')

Instantiate a FlagFactory.

You shouldn't need to do this; call FlagFactory.get() to get a shared instance.

flagmaterial: _bascenev1.Material

The bs.Material applied to all Flags.

impact_sound: _bascenev1.Sound

The bs.Sound used when a Flag hits the ground.

skid_sound: _bascenev1.Sound

The bs.Sound used when a Flag skids along the ground.

no_hit_material: _bascenev1.Material

A bs.Material that prevents contact with most objects; applied to 'non-touchable' flags.

flag_texture: _bascenev1.Texture

The bs.Texture for flags.

def get(cls) -> FlagFactory:
112    @classmethod
113    def get(cls) -> FlagFactory:
114        """Get/create a shared `FlagFactory` instance."""
115        activity = bs.getactivity()
116        factory = activity.customdata.get(cls._STORENAME)
117        if factory is None:
118            factory = FlagFactory()
119            activity.customdata[cls._STORENAME] = factory
120        assert isinstance(factory, FlagFactory)
121        return factory

Get/create a shared FlagFactory instance.

class FlagPickedUpMessage:
125class FlagPickedUpMessage:
126    """A message saying a `Flag` has been picked up.
128    Category: **Message Classes**
129    """
131    flag: Flag
132    """The `Flag` that has been picked up."""
134    node: bs.Node
135    """The bs.Node doing the picking up."""

A message saying a Flag has been picked up.

Category: Message Classes

FlagPickedUpMessage(flag: Flag, node: _bascenev1.Node)
flag: Flag

The Flag that has been picked up.

node: _bascenev1.Node

The bs.Node doing the picking up.

class FlagDiedMessage:
139class FlagDiedMessage:
140    """A message saying a `Flag` has died.
142    Category: **Message Classes**
143    """
145    flag: Flag
146    """The `Flag` that died."""

A message saying a Flag has died.

Category: Message Classes

FlagDiedMessage(flag: Flag)
flag: Flag

The Flag that died.

class FlagDroppedMessage:
150class FlagDroppedMessage:
151    """A message saying a `Flag` has been dropped.
153    Category: **Message Classes**
154    """
156    flag: Flag
157    """The `Flag` that was dropped."""
159    node: bs.Node
160    """The bs.Node that was holding it."""

A message saying a Flag has been dropped.

Category: Message Classes

FlagDroppedMessage(flag: Flag, node: _bascenev1.Node)
flag: Flag

The Flag that was dropped.

node: _bascenev1.Node

The bs.Node that was holding it.

class Flag(bascenev1._actor.Actor):
163class Flag(bs.Actor):
164    """A flag; used in games such as capture-the-flag or king-of-the-hill.
166    Category: **Gameplay Classes**
168    Can be stationary or carry-able by players.
169    """
171    def __init__(
172        self,
173        *,
174        position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
175        color: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
176        materials: Sequence[bs.Material] | None = None,
177        touchable: bool = True,
178        dropped_timeout: int | None = None,
179    ):
180        """Instantiate a flag.
182        If 'touchable' is False, the flag will only touch terrain;
183        useful for things like king-of-the-hill where players should
184        not be moving the flag around.
186        'materials can be a list of extra `bs.Material`s to apply to the flag.
188        If 'dropped_timeout' is provided (in seconds), the flag will die
189        after remaining untouched for that long once it has been moved
190        from its initial position.
191        """
193        super().__init__()
195        self._initial_position: Sequence[float] | None = None
196        self._has_moved = False
197        shared = SharedObjects.get()
198        factory = FlagFactory.get()
200        if materials is None:
201            materials = []
202        elif not isinstance(materials, list):
203            # In case they passed a tuple or whatnot.
204            materials = list(materials)
205        if not touchable:
206            materials = [factory.no_hit_material] + materials
208        finalmaterials = [
209            shared.object_material,
210            factory.flagmaterial,
211        ] + materials
212        self.node = bs.newnode(
213            'flag',
214            attrs={
215                'position': (position[0], position[1] + 0.75, position[2]),
216                'color_texture': factory.flag_texture,
217                'color': color,
218                'materials': finalmaterials,
219            },
220            delegate=self,
221        )
223        if dropped_timeout is not None:
224            dropped_timeout = int(dropped_timeout)
225        self._dropped_timeout = dropped_timeout
226        self._counter: bs.Node | None
227        if self._dropped_timeout is not None:
228            self._count = self._dropped_timeout
229            self._tick_timer = bs.Timer(
230                1.0, call=bs.WeakCall(self._tick), repeat=True
231            )
232            self._counter = bs.newnode(
233                'text',
234                owner=self.node,
235                attrs={
236                    'in_world': True,
237                    'color': (1, 1, 1, 0.7),
238                    'scale': 0.015,
239                    'shadow': 0.5,
240                    'flatness': 1.0,
241                    'h_align': 'center',
242                },
243            )
244        else:
245            self._counter = None
247        self._held_count = 0
248        self._score_text: bs.Node | None = None
249        self._score_text_hide_timer: bs.Timer | None = None
251    def _tick(self) -> None:
252        if self.node:
253            # Grab our initial position after one tick (in case we fall).
254            if self._initial_position is None:
255                self._initial_position = self.node.position
257                # Keep track of when we first move; we don't count down
258                # until then.
259            if not self._has_moved:
260                nodepos = self.node.position
261                if (
262                    max(
263                        abs(nodepos[i] - self._initial_position[i])
264                        for i in list(range(3))
265                    )
266                    > 1.0
267                ):
268                    self._has_moved = True
270            if self._held_count > 0 or not self._has_moved:
271                assert self._dropped_timeout is not None
272                assert self._counter
273                self._count = self._dropped_timeout
274                self._counter.text = ''
275            else:
276                self._count -= 1
277                if self._count <= 10:
278                    nodepos = self.node.position
279                    assert self._counter
280                    self._counter.position = (
281                        nodepos[0],
282                        nodepos[1] + 1.3,
283                        nodepos[2],
284                    )
285                    self._counter.text = str(self._count)
286                    if self._count < 1:
287                        self.handlemessage(bs.DieMessage())
288                else:
289                    assert self._counter
290                    self._counter.text = ''
292    def _hide_score_text(self) -> None:
293        assert self._score_text is not None
294        assert isinstance(self._score_text.scale, float)
295        bs.animate(
296            self._score_text, 'scale', {0: self._score_text.scale, 0.2: 0}
297        )
299    def set_score_text(self, text: str) -> None:
300        """Show a message over the flag; handy for scores."""
301        if not self.node:
302            return
303        if not self._score_text:
304            start_scale = 0.0
305            math = bs.newnode(
306                'math',
307                owner=self.node,
308                attrs={'input1': (0, 1.4, 0), 'operation': 'add'},
309            )
310            self.node.connectattr('position', math, 'input2')
311            self._score_text = bs.newnode(
312                'text',
313                owner=self.node,
314                attrs={
315                    'text': text,
316                    'in_world': True,
317                    'scale': 0.02,
318                    'shadow': 0.5,
319                    'flatness': 1.0,
320                    'h_align': 'center',
321                },
322            )
323            math.connectattr('output', self._score_text, 'position')
324        else:
325            assert isinstance(self._score_text.scale, float)
326            start_scale = self._score_text.scale
327            self._score_text.text = text
328        self._score_text.color = bs.safecolor(self.node.color)
329        bs.animate(self._score_text, 'scale', {0: start_scale, 0.2: 0.02})
330        self._score_text_hide_timer = bs.Timer(
331            1.0, bs.WeakCall(self._hide_score_text)
332        )
334    @override
335    def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
336        assert not self.expired
337        if isinstance(msg, bs.DieMessage):
338            if self.node:
339                self.node.delete()
340                if not msg.immediate:
341                    self.activity.handlemessage(FlagDiedMessage(self))
342        elif isinstance(msg, bs.HitMessage):
343            assert self.node
344            assert msg.force_direction is not None
345            self.node.handlemessage(
346                'impulse',
347                msg.pos[0],
348                msg.pos[1],
349                msg.pos[2],
350                msg.velocity[0],
351                msg.velocity[1],
352                msg.velocity[2],
353                msg.magnitude,
354                msg.velocity_magnitude,
355                msg.radius,
356                0,
357                msg.force_direction[0],
358                msg.force_direction[1],
359                msg.force_direction[2],
360            )
361        elif isinstance(msg, bs.PickedUpMessage):
362            self._held_count += 1
363            if self._held_count == 1 and self._counter is not None:
364                self._counter.text = ''
365            self.activity.handlemessage(FlagPickedUpMessage(self, msg.node))
366        elif isinstance(msg, bs.DroppedMessage):
367            self._held_count -= 1
368            if self._held_count < 0:
369                print('Flag held count < 0.')
370                self._held_count = 0
371            self.activity.handlemessage(FlagDroppedMessage(self, msg.node))
372        else:
373            super().handlemessage(msg)
375    @staticmethod
376    def project_stand(pos: Sequence[float]) -> None:
377        """Project a flag-stand onto the ground at the given position.
379        Useful for games such as capture-the-flag to show where a
380        movable flag originated from.
381        """
382        assert len(pos) == 3
383        bs.emitfx(position=pos, emit_type='flag_stand')

A flag; used in games such as capture-the-flag or king-of-the-hill.

Category: Gameplay Classes

Can be stationary or carry-able by players.

Flag( *, position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), color: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), materials: Optional[Sequence[_bascenev1.Material]] = None, touchable: bool = True, dropped_timeout: int | None = None)
171    def __init__(
172        self,
173        *,
174        position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
175        color: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
176        materials: Sequence[bs.Material] | None = None,
177        touchable: bool = True,
178        dropped_timeout: int | None = None,
179    ):
180        """Instantiate a flag.
182        If 'touchable' is False, the flag will only touch terrain;
183        useful for things like king-of-the-hill where players should
184        not be moving the flag around.
186        'materials can be a list of extra `bs.Material`s to apply to the flag.
188        If 'dropped_timeout' is provided (in seconds), the flag will die
189        after remaining untouched for that long once it has been moved
190        from its initial position.
191        """
193        super().__init__()
195        self._initial_position: Sequence[float] | None = None
196        self._has_moved = False
197        shared = SharedObjects.get()
198        factory = FlagFactory.get()
200        if materials is None:
201            materials = []
202        elif not isinstance(materials, list):
203            # In case they passed a tuple or whatnot.
204            materials = list(materials)
205        if not touchable:
206            materials = [factory.no_hit_material] + materials
208        finalmaterials = [
209            shared.object_material,
210            factory.flagmaterial,
211        ] + materials
212        self.node = bs.newnode(
213            'flag',
214            attrs={
215                'position': (position[0], position[1] + 0.75, position[2]),
216                'color_texture': factory.flag_texture,
217                'color': color,
218                'materials': finalmaterials,
219            },
220            delegate=self,
221        )
223        if dropped_timeout is not None:
224            dropped_timeout = int(dropped_timeout)
225        self._dropped_timeout = dropped_timeout
226        self._counter: bs.Node | None
227        if self._dropped_timeout is not None:
228            self._count = self._dropped_timeout
229            self._tick_timer = bs.Timer(
230                1.0, call=bs.WeakCall(self._tick), repeat=True
231            )
232            self._counter = bs.newnode(
233                'text',
234                owner=self.node,
235                attrs={
236                    'in_world': True,
237                    'color': (1, 1, 1, 0.7),
238                    'scale': 0.015,
239                    'shadow': 0.5,
240                    'flatness': 1.0,
241                    'h_align': 'center',
242                },
243            )
244        else:
245            self._counter = None
247        self._held_count = 0
248        self._score_text: bs.Node | None = None
249        self._score_text_hide_timer: bs.Timer | None = None

Instantiate a flag.

If 'touchable' is False, the flag will only touch terrain; useful for things like king-of-the-hill where players should not be moving the flag around.

'materials can be a list of extra bs.Materials to apply to the flag.

If 'dropped_timeout' is provided (in seconds), the flag will die after remaining untouched for that long once it has been moved from its initial position.

def set_score_text(self, text: str) -> None:
299    def set_score_text(self, text: str) -> None:
300        """Show a message over the flag; handy for scores."""
301        if not self.node:
302            return
303        if not self._score_text:
304            start_scale = 0.0
305            math = bs.newnode(
306                'math',
307                owner=self.node,
308                attrs={'input1': (0, 1.4, 0), 'operation': 'add'},
309            )
310            self.node.connectattr('position', math, 'input2')
311            self._score_text = bs.newnode(
312                'text',
313                owner=self.node,
314                attrs={
315                    'text': text,
316                    'in_world': True,
317                    'scale': 0.02,
318                    'shadow': 0.5,
319                    'flatness': 1.0,
320                    'h_align': 'center',
321                },
322            )
323            math.connectattr('output', self._score_text, 'position')
324        else:
325            assert isinstance(self._score_text.scale, float)
326            start_scale = self._score_text.scale
327            self._score_text.text = text
328        self._score_text.color = bs.safecolor(self.node.color)
329        bs.animate(self._score_text, 'scale', {0: start_scale, 0.2: 0.02})
330        self._score_text_hide_timer = bs.Timer(
331            1.0, bs.WeakCall(self._hide_score_text)
332        )

Show a message over the flag; handy for scores.

def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
334    @override
335    def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
336        assert not self.expired
337        if isinstance(msg, bs.DieMessage):
338            if self.node:
339                self.node.delete()
340                if not msg.immediate:
341                    self.activity.handlemessage(FlagDiedMessage(self))
342        elif isinstance(msg, bs.HitMessage):
343            assert self.node
344            assert msg.force_direction is not None
345            self.node.handlemessage(
346                'impulse',
347                msg.pos[0],
348                msg.pos[1],
349                msg.pos[2],
350                msg.velocity[0],
351                msg.velocity[1],
352                msg.velocity[2],
353                msg.magnitude,
354                msg.velocity_magnitude,
355                msg.radius,
356                0,
357                msg.force_direction[0],
358                msg.force_direction[1],
359                msg.force_direction[2],
360            )
361        elif isinstance(msg, bs.PickedUpMessage):
362            self._held_count += 1
363            if self._held_count == 1 and self._counter is not None:
364                self._counter.text = ''
365            self.activity.handlemessage(FlagPickedUpMessage(self, msg.node))
366        elif isinstance(msg, bs.DroppedMessage):
367            self._held_count -= 1
368            if self._held_count < 0:
369                print('Flag held count < 0.')
370                self._held_count = 0
371            self.activity.handlemessage(FlagDroppedMessage(self, msg.node))
372        else:
373            super().handlemessage(msg)

General message handling; can be passed any message object.

def project_stand(pos: Sequence[float]) -> None:
375    @staticmethod
376    def project_stand(pos: Sequence[float]) -> None:
377        """Project a flag-stand onto the ground at the given position.
379        Useful for games such as capture-the-flag to show where a
380        movable flag originated from.
381        """
382        assert len(pos) == 3
383        bs.emitfx(position=pos, emit_type='flag_stand')

Project a flag-stand onto the ground at the given position.

Useful for games such as capture-the-flag to show where a movable flag originated from.

Inherited Members