Hockey game and support classes.

  1# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
  3"""Hockey game and support classes."""
  5# ba_meta require api 9
  6# (see
  8from __future__ import annotations
 10from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, override
 12import bascenev1 as bs
 14from import PlayerSpaz
 15from import Scoreboard
 16from import PowerupBoxFactory
 17from bascenev1lib.gameutils import SharedObjects
 20    from typing import Any, Sequence
 23class PuckDiedMessage:
 24    """Inform something that a puck has died."""
 26    def __init__(self, puck: Puck):
 27        self.puck = puck
 30class Puck(bs.Actor):
 31    """A lovely giant hockey puck."""
 33    def __init__(self, position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)):
 34        super().__init__()
 35        shared = SharedObjects.get()
 36        activity = self.getactivity()
 38        # Spawn just above the provided point.
 39        self._spawn_pos = (position[0], position[1] + 1.0, position[2])
 40        self.last_players_to_touch: dict[int, Player] = {}
 41        self.scored = False
 42        assert activity is not None
 43        assert isinstance(activity, HockeyGame)
 44        pmats = [shared.object_material, activity.puck_material]
 45        self.node = bs.newnode(
 46            'prop',
 47            delegate=self,
 48            attrs={
 49                'mesh': activity.puck_mesh,
 50                'color_texture': activity.puck_tex,
 51                'body': 'puck',
 52                'reflection': 'soft',
 53                'reflection_scale': [0.2],
 54                'shadow_size': 1.0,
 55                'is_area_of_interest': True,
 56                'position': self._spawn_pos,
 57                'materials': pmats,
 58            },
 59        )
 60        bs.animate(self.node, 'mesh_scale', {0: 0, 0.2: 1.3, 0.26: 1})
 62    @override
 63    def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
 64        if isinstance(msg, bs.DieMessage):
 65            if self.node:
 66                self.node.delete()
 67                activity = self._activity()
 68                if activity and not msg.immediate:
 69                    activity.handlemessage(PuckDiedMessage(self))
 71        # If we go out of bounds, move back to where we started.
 72        elif isinstance(msg, bs.OutOfBoundsMessage):
 73            assert self.node
 74            self.node.position = self._spawn_pos
 76        elif isinstance(msg, bs.HitMessage):
 77            assert self.node
 78            assert msg.force_direction is not None
 79            self.node.handlemessage(
 80                'impulse',
 81                msg.pos[0],
 82                msg.pos[1],
 83                msg.pos[2],
 84                msg.velocity[0],
 85                msg.velocity[1],
 86                msg.velocity[2],
 87                1.0 * msg.magnitude,
 88                1.0 * msg.velocity_magnitude,
 89                msg.radius,
 90                0,
 91                msg.force_direction[0],
 92                msg.force_direction[1],
 93                msg.force_direction[2],
 94            )
 96            # If this hit came from a player, log them as the last to touch us.
 97            s_player = msg.get_source_player(Player)
 98            if s_player is not None:
 99                activity = self._activity()
100                if activity:
101                    if s_player in activity.players:
102                        self.last_players_to_touch[] = s_player
103        else:
104            super().handlemessage(msg)
107class Player(bs.Player['Team']):
108    """Our player type for this game."""
111class Team(bs.Team[Player]):
112    """Our team type for this game."""
114    def __init__(self) -> None:
115        self.score = 0
118# ba_meta export bascenev1.GameActivity
119class HockeyGame(bs.TeamGameActivity[Player, Team]):
120    """Ice hockey game."""
122    name = 'Hockey'
123    description = 'Score some goals.'
124    available_settings = [
125        bs.IntSetting(
126            'Score to Win',
127            min_value=1,
128            default=1,
129            increment=1,
130        ),
131        bs.IntChoiceSetting(
132            'Time Limit',
133            choices=[
134                ('None', 0),
135                ('1 Minute', 60),
136                ('2 Minutes', 120),
137                ('5 Minutes', 300),
138                ('10 Minutes', 600),
139                ('20 Minutes', 1200),
140            ],
141            default=0,
142        ),
143        bs.FloatChoiceSetting(
144            'Respawn Times',
145            choices=[
146                ('Shorter', 0.25),
147                ('Short', 0.5),
148                ('Normal', 1.0),
149                ('Long', 2.0),
150                ('Longer', 4.0),
151            ],
152            default=1.0,
153        ),
154        bs.BoolSetting('Epic Mode', default=False),
155    ]
157    @override
158    @classmethod
159    def supports_session_type(cls, sessiontype: type[bs.Session]) -> bool:
160        return issubclass(sessiontype, bs.DualTeamSession)
162    @override
163    @classmethod
164    def get_supported_maps(cls, sessiontype: type[bs.Session]) -> list[str]:
165        assert is not None
166        return'hockey')
168    def __init__(self, settings: dict):
169        super().__init__(settings)
170        shared = SharedObjects.get()
171        self._scoreboard = Scoreboard()
172        self._cheer_sound = bs.getsound('cheer')
173        self._chant_sound = bs.getsound('crowdChant')
174        self._foghorn_sound = bs.getsound('foghorn')
175        self._swipsound = bs.getsound('swip')
176        self._whistle_sound = bs.getsound('refWhistle')
177        self.puck_mesh = bs.getmesh('puck')
178        self.puck_tex = bs.gettexture('puckColor')
179        self._puck_sound = bs.getsound('metalHit')
180        self.puck_material = bs.Material()
181        self.puck_material.add_actions(
182            actions=('modify_part_collision', 'friction', 0.5)
183        )
184        self.puck_material.add_actions(
185            conditions=('they_have_material', shared.pickup_material),
186            actions=('modify_part_collision', 'collide', False),
187        )
188        self.puck_material.add_actions(
189            conditions=(
190                ('we_are_younger_than', 100),
191                'and',
192                ('they_have_material', shared.object_material),
193            ),
194            actions=('modify_node_collision', 'collide', False),
195        )
196        self.puck_material.add_actions(
197            conditions=('they_have_material', shared.footing_material),
198            actions=('impact_sound', self._puck_sound, 0.2, 5),
199        )
201        # Keep track of which player last touched the puck
202        self.puck_material.add_actions(
203            conditions=('they_have_material', shared.player_material),
204            actions=(('call', 'at_connect', self._handle_puck_player_collide),),
205        )
207        # We want the puck to kill powerups; not get stopped by them
208        self.puck_material.add_actions(
209            conditions=(
210                'they_have_material',
211                PowerupBoxFactory.get().powerup_material,
212            ),
213            actions=(
214                ('modify_part_collision', 'physical', False),
215                ('message', 'their_node', 'at_connect', bs.DieMessage()),
216            ),
217        )
218        self._score_region_material = bs.Material()
219        self._score_region_material.add_actions(
220            conditions=('they_have_material', self.puck_material),
221            actions=(
222                ('modify_part_collision', 'collide', True),
223                ('modify_part_collision', 'physical', False),
224                ('call', 'at_connect', self._handle_score),
225            ),
226        )
227        self._puck_spawn_pos: Sequence[float] | None = None
228        self._score_regions: list[bs.NodeActor] | None = None
229        self._puck: Puck | None = None
230        self._score_to_win = int(settings['Score to Win'])
231        self._time_limit = float(settings['Time Limit'])
232        self._epic_mode = bool(settings['Epic Mode'])
233        self.slow_motion = self._epic_mode
234        self.default_music = (
235            bs.MusicType.EPIC if self._epic_mode else bs.MusicType.HOCKEY
236        )
238    @override
239    def get_instance_description(self) -> str | Sequence:
240        if self._score_to_win == 1:
241            return 'Score a goal.'
242        return 'Score ${ARG1} goals.', self._score_to_win
244    @override
245    def get_instance_description_short(self) -> str | Sequence:
246        if self._score_to_win == 1:
247            return 'score a goal'
248        return 'score ${ARG1} goals', self._score_to_win
250    @override
251    def on_begin(self) -> None:
252        super().on_begin()
254        self.setup_standard_time_limit(self._time_limit)
255        self.setup_standard_powerup_drops()
256        self._puck_spawn_pos =
257        self._spawn_puck()
259        # Set up the two score regions.
260        defs =
261        self._score_regions = []
262        self._score_regions.append(
263            bs.NodeActor(
264                bs.newnode(
265                    'region',
266                    attrs={
267                        'position': defs.boxes['goal1'][0:3],
268                        'scale': defs.boxes['goal1'][6:9],
269                        'type': 'box',
270                        'materials': [self._score_region_material],
271                    },
272                )
273            )
274        )
275        self._score_regions.append(
276            bs.NodeActor(
277                bs.newnode(
278                    'region',
279                    attrs={
280                        'position': defs.boxes['goal2'][0:3],
281                        'scale': defs.boxes['goal2'][6:9],
282                        'type': 'box',
283                        'materials': [self._score_region_material],
284                    },
285                )
286            )
287        )
288        self._update_scoreboard()
291    @override
292    def on_team_join(self, team: Team) -> None:
293        self._update_scoreboard()
295    def _handle_puck_player_collide(self) -> None:
296        collision = bs.getcollision()
297        try:
298            puck = collision.sourcenode.getdelegate(Puck, True)
299            player = collision.opposingnode.getdelegate(
300                PlayerSpaz, True
301            ).getplayer(Player, True)
302        except bs.NotFoundError:
303            return
305        puck.last_players_to_touch[] = player
307    def _kill_puck(self) -> None:
308        self._puck = None
310    def _handle_score(self) -> None:
311        """A point has been scored."""
313        assert self._puck is not None
314        assert self._score_regions is not None
316        # Our puck might stick around for a second or two
317        # we don't want it to be able to score again.
318        if self._puck.scored:
319            return
321        region = bs.getcollision().sourcenode
322        index = 0
323        for index, score_region in enumerate(self._score_regions):
324            if region == score_region.node:
325                break
327        for team in self.teams:
328            if == index:
329                scoring_team = team
330                team.score += 1
332                # Tell all players to celebrate.
333                for player in team.players:
334                    if
337                # If we've got the player from the scoring team that last
338                # touched us, give them points.
339                if (
340           in self._puck.last_players_to_touch
341                    and self._puck.last_players_to_touch[]
342                ):
343                    self.stats.player_scored(
344                        self._puck.last_players_to_touch[],
345                        100,
346                        big_message=True,
347                    )
349                # End game if we won.
350                if team.score >= self._score_to_win:
351                    self.end_game()
356        self._puck.scored = True
358        # Kill the puck (it'll respawn itself shortly).
359        bs.timer(1.0, self._kill_puck)
361        light = bs.newnode(
362            'light',
363            attrs={
364                'position': bs.getcollision().position,
365                'height_attenuated': False,
366                'color': (1, 0, 0),
367            },
368        )
369        bs.animate(light, 'intensity', {0: 0, 0.5: 1, 1.0: 0}, loop=True)
370        bs.timer(1.0, light.delete)
372        bs.cameraflash(duration=10.0)
373        self._update_scoreboard()
375    @override
376    def end_game(self) -> None:
377        results = bs.GameResults()
378        for team in self.teams:
379            results.set_team_score(team, team.score)
380        self.end(results=results)
382    def _update_scoreboard(self) -> None:
383        winscore = self._score_to_win
384        for team in self.teams:
385            self._scoreboard.set_team_value(team, team.score, winscore)
387    @override
388    def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
389        # Respawn dead players if they're still in the game.
390        if isinstance(msg, bs.PlayerDiedMessage):
391            # Augment standard behavior...
392            super().handlemessage(msg)
393            self.respawn_player(msg.getplayer(Player))
395        # Respawn dead pucks.
396        elif isinstance(msg, PuckDiedMessage):
397            if not self.has_ended():
398                bs.timer(3.0, self._spawn_puck)
399        else:
400            super().handlemessage(msg)
402    def _flash_puck_spawn(self) -> None:
403        light = bs.newnode(
404            'light',
405            attrs={
406                'position': self._puck_spawn_pos,
407                'height_attenuated': False,
408                'color': (1, 0, 0),
409            },
410        )
411        bs.animate(light, 'intensity', {0.0: 0, 0.25: 1, 0.5: 0}, loop=True)
412        bs.timer(1.0, light.delete)
414    def _spawn_puck(self) -> None:
417        self._flash_puck_spawn()
418        assert self._puck_spawn_pos is not None
419        self._puck = Puck(position=self._puck_spawn_pos)
class PuckDiedMessage:
24class PuckDiedMessage:
25    """Inform something that a puck has died."""
27    def __init__(self, puck: Puck):
28        self.puck = puck

Inform something that a puck has died.

PuckDiedMessage(puck: Puck)
27    def __init__(self, puck: Puck):
28        self.puck = puck
class Puck(bascenev1._actor.Actor):
 31class Puck(bs.Actor):
 32    """A lovely giant hockey puck."""
 34    def __init__(self, position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)):
 35        super().__init__()
 36        shared = SharedObjects.get()
 37        activity = self.getactivity()
 39        # Spawn just above the provided point.
 40        self._spawn_pos = (position[0], position[1] + 1.0, position[2])
 41        self.last_players_to_touch: dict[int, Player] = {}
 42        self.scored = False
 43        assert activity is not None
 44        assert isinstance(activity, HockeyGame)
 45        pmats = [shared.object_material, activity.puck_material]
 46        self.node = bs.newnode(
 47            'prop',
 48            delegate=self,
 49            attrs={
 50                'mesh': activity.puck_mesh,
 51                'color_texture': activity.puck_tex,
 52                'body': 'puck',
 53                'reflection': 'soft',
 54                'reflection_scale': [0.2],
 55                'shadow_size': 1.0,
 56                'is_area_of_interest': True,
 57                'position': self._spawn_pos,
 58                'materials': pmats,
 59            },
 60        )
 61        bs.animate(self.node, 'mesh_scale', {0: 0, 0.2: 1.3, 0.26: 1})
 63    @override
 64    def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
 65        if isinstance(msg, bs.DieMessage):
 66            if self.node:
 67                self.node.delete()
 68                activity = self._activity()
 69                if activity and not msg.immediate:
 70                    activity.handlemessage(PuckDiedMessage(self))
 72        # If we go out of bounds, move back to where we started.
 73        elif isinstance(msg, bs.OutOfBoundsMessage):
 74            assert self.node
 75            self.node.position = self._spawn_pos
 77        elif isinstance(msg, bs.HitMessage):
 78            assert self.node
 79            assert msg.force_direction is not None
 80            self.node.handlemessage(
 81                'impulse',
 82                msg.pos[0],
 83                msg.pos[1],
 84                msg.pos[2],
 85                msg.velocity[0],
 86                msg.velocity[1],
 87                msg.velocity[2],
 88                1.0 * msg.magnitude,
 89                1.0 * msg.velocity_magnitude,
 90                msg.radius,
 91                0,
 92                msg.force_direction[0],
 93                msg.force_direction[1],
 94                msg.force_direction[2],
 95            )
 97            # If this hit came from a player, log them as the last to touch us.
 98            s_player = msg.get_source_player(Player)
 99            if s_player is not None:
100                activity = self._activity()
101                if activity:
102                    if s_player in activity.players:
103                        self.last_players_to_touch[] = s_player
104        else:
105            super().handlemessage(msg)

A lovely giant hockey puck.

Puck(position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
34    def __init__(self, position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)):
35        super().__init__()
36        shared = SharedObjects.get()
37        activity = self.getactivity()
39        # Spawn just above the provided point.
40        self._spawn_pos = (position[0], position[1] + 1.0, position[2])
41        self.last_players_to_touch: dict[int, Player] = {}
42        self.scored = False
43        assert activity is not None
44        assert isinstance(activity, HockeyGame)
45        pmats = [shared.object_material, activity.puck_material]
46        self.node = bs.newnode(
47            'prop',
48            delegate=self,
49            attrs={
50                'mesh': activity.puck_mesh,
51                'color_texture': activity.puck_tex,
52                'body': 'puck',
53                'reflection': 'soft',
54                'reflection_scale': [0.2],
55                'shadow_size': 1.0,
56                'is_area_of_interest': True,
57                'position': self._spawn_pos,
58                'materials': pmats,
59            },
60        )
61        bs.animate(self.node, 'mesh_scale', {0: 0, 0.2: 1.3, 0.26: 1})

Instantiates an Actor in the current bascenev1.Activity.

last_players_to_touch: dict[int, Player]
def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
 63    @override
 64    def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
 65        if isinstance(msg, bs.DieMessage):
 66            if self.node:
 67                self.node.delete()
 68                activity = self._activity()
 69                if activity and not msg.immediate:
 70                    activity.handlemessage(PuckDiedMessage(self))
 72        # If we go out of bounds, move back to where we started.
 73        elif isinstance(msg, bs.OutOfBoundsMessage):
 74            assert self.node
 75            self.node.position = self._spawn_pos
 77        elif isinstance(msg, bs.HitMessage):
 78            assert self.node
 79            assert msg.force_direction is not None
 80            self.node.handlemessage(
 81                'impulse',
 82                msg.pos[0],
 83                msg.pos[1],
 84                msg.pos[2],
 85                msg.velocity[0],
 86                msg.velocity[1],
 87                msg.velocity[2],
 88                1.0 * msg.magnitude,
 89                1.0 * msg.velocity_magnitude,
 90                msg.radius,
 91                0,
 92                msg.force_direction[0],
 93                msg.force_direction[1],
 94                msg.force_direction[2],
 95            )
 97            # If this hit came from a player, log them as the last to touch us.
 98            s_player = msg.get_source_player(Player)
 99            if s_player is not None:
100                activity = self._activity()
101                if activity:
102                    if s_player in activity.players:
103                        self.last_players_to_touch[] = s_player
104        else:
105            super().handlemessage(msg)

General message handling; can be passed any message object.

class Player(bascenev1._player.Player[ForwardRef('Team')]):
108class Player(bs.Player['Team']):
109    """Our player type for this game."""

Our player type for this game.

class Team(bascenev1._team.Team[]):
112class Team(bs.Team[Player]):
113    """Our team type for this game."""
115    def __init__(self) -> None:
116        self.score = 0

Our team type for this game.

class HockeyGame(bascenev1._teamgame.TeamGameActivity[,]):
120class HockeyGame(bs.TeamGameActivity[Player, Team]):
121    """Ice hockey game."""
123    name = 'Hockey'
124    description = 'Score some goals.'
125    available_settings = [
126        bs.IntSetting(
127            'Score to Win',
128            min_value=1,
129            default=1,
130            increment=1,
131        ),
132        bs.IntChoiceSetting(
133            'Time Limit',
134            choices=[
135                ('None', 0),
136                ('1 Minute', 60),
137                ('2 Minutes', 120),
138                ('5 Minutes', 300),
139                ('10 Minutes', 600),
140                ('20 Minutes', 1200),
141            ],
142            default=0,
143        ),
144        bs.FloatChoiceSetting(
145            'Respawn Times',
146            choices=[
147                ('Shorter', 0.25),
148                ('Short', 0.5),
149                ('Normal', 1.0),
150                ('Long', 2.0),
151                ('Longer', 4.0),
152            ],
153            default=1.0,
154        ),
155        bs.BoolSetting('Epic Mode', default=False),
156    ]
158    @override
159    @classmethod
160    def supports_session_type(cls, sessiontype: type[bs.Session]) -> bool:
161        return issubclass(sessiontype, bs.DualTeamSession)
163    @override
164    @classmethod
165    def get_supported_maps(cls, sessiontype: type[bs.Session]) -> list[str]:
166        assert is not None
167        return'hockey')
169    def __init__(self, settings: dict):
170        super().__init__(settings)
171        shared = SharedObjects.get()
172        self._scoreboard = Scoreboard()
173        self._cheer_sound = bs.getsound('cheer')
174        self._chant_sound = bs.getsound('crowdChant')
175        self._foghorn_sound = bs.getsound('foghorn')
176        self._swipsound = bs.getsound('swip')
177        self._whistle_sound = bs.getsound('refWhistle')
178        self.puck_mesh = bs.getmesh('puck')
179        self.puck_tex = bs.gettexture('puckColor')
180        self._puck_sound = bs.getsound('metalHit')
181        self.puck_material = bs.Material()
182        self.puck_material.add_actions(
183            actions=('modify_part_collision', 'friction', 0.5)
184        )
185        self.puck_material.add_actions(
186            conditions=('they_have_material', shared.pickup_material),
187            actions=('modify_part_collision', 'collide', False),
188        )
189        self.puck_material.add_actions(
190            conditions=(
191                ('we_are_younger_than', 100),
192                'and',
193                ('they_have_material', shared.object_material),
194            ),
195            actions=('modify_node_collision', 'collide', False),
196        )
197        self.puck_material.add_actions(
198            conditions=('they_have_material', shared.footing_material),
199            actions=('impact_sound', self._puck_sound, 0.2, 5),
200        )
202        # Keep track of which player last touched the puck
203        self.puck_material.add_actions(
204            conditions=('they_have_material', shared.player_material),
205            actions=(('call', 'at_connect', self._handle_puck_player_collide),),
206        )
208        # We want the puck to kill powerups; not get stopped by them
209        self.puck_material.add_actions(
210            conditions=(
211                'they_have_material',
212                PowerupBoxFactory.get().powerup_material,
213            ),
214            actions=(
215                ('modify_part_collision', 'physical', False),
216                ('message', 'their_node', 'at_connect', bs.DieMessage()),
217            ),
218        )
219        self._score_region_material = bs.Material()
220        self._score_region_material.add_actions(
221            conditions=('they_have_material', self.puck_material),
222            actions=(
223                ('modify_part_collision', 'collide', True),
224                ('modify_part_collision', 'physical', False),
225                ('call', 'at_connect', self._handle_score),
226            ),
227        )
228        self._puck_spawn_pos: Sequence[float] | None = None
229        self._score_regions: list[bs.NodeActor] | None = None
230        self._puck: Puck | None = None
231        self._score_to_win = int(settings['Score to Win'])
232        self._time_limit = float(settings['Time Limit'])
233        self._epic_mode = bool(settings['Epic Mode'])
234        self.slow_motion = self._epic_mode
235        self.default_music = (
236            bs.MusicType.EPIC if self._epic_mode else bs.MusicType.HOCKEY
237        )
239    @override
240    def get_instance_description(self) -> str | Sequence:
241        if self._score_to_win == 1:
242            return 'Score a goal.'
243        return 'Score ${ARG1} goals.', self._score_to_win
245    @override
246    def get_instance_description_short(self) -> str | Sequence:
247        if self._score_to_win == 1:
248            return 'score a goal'
249        return 'score ${ARG1} goals', self._score_to_win
251    @override
252    def on_begin(self) -> None:
253        super().on_begin()
255        self.setup_standard_time_limit(self._time_limit)
256        self.setup_standard_powerup_drops()
257        self._puck_spawn_pos =
258        self._spawn_puck()
260        # Set up the two score regions.
261        defs =
262        self._score_regions = []
263        self._score_regions.append(
264            bs.NodeActor(
265                bs.newnode(
266                    'region',
267                    attrs={
268                        'position': defs.boxes['goal1'][0:3],
269                        'scale': defs.boxes['goal1'][6:9],
270                        'type': 'box',
271                        'materials': [self._score_region_material],
272                    },
273                )
274            )
275        )
276        self._score_regions.append(
277            bs.NodeActor(
278                bs.newnode(
279                    'region',
280                    attrs={
281                        'position': defs.boxes['goal2'][0:3],
282                        'scale': defs.boxes['goal2'][6:9],
283                        'type': 'box',
284                        'materials': [self._score_region_material],
285                    },
286                )
287            )
288        )
289        self._update_scoreboard()
292    @override
293    def on_team_join(self, team: Team) -> None:
294        self._update_scoreboard()
296    def _handle_puck_player_collide(self) -> None:
297        collision = bs.getcollision()
298        try:
299            puck = collision.sourcenode.getdelegate(Puck, True)
300            player = collision.opposingnode.getdelegate(
301                PlayerSpaz, True
302            ).getplayer(Player, True)
303        except bs.NotFoundError:
304            return
306        puck.last_players_to_touch[] = player
308    def _kill_puck(self) -> None:
309        self._puck = None
311    def _handle_score(self) -> None:
312        """A point has been scored."""
314        assert self._puck is not None
315        assert self._score_regions is not None
317        # Our puck might stick around for a second or two
318        # we don't want it to be able to score again.
319        if self._puck.scored:
320            return
322        region = bs.getcollision().sourcenode
323        index = 0
324        for index, score_region in enumerate(self._score_regions):
325            if region == score_region.node:
326                break
328        for team in self.teams:
329            if == index:
330                scoring_team = team
331                team.score += 1
333                # Tell all players to celebrate.
334                for player in team.players:
335                    if
338                # If we've got the player from the scoring team that last
339                # touched us, give them points.
340                if (
341           in self._puck.last_players_to_touch
342                    and self._puck.last_players_to_touch[]
343                ):
344                    self.stats.player_scored(
345                        self._puck.last_players_to_touch[],
346                        100,
347                        big_message=True,
348                    )
350                # End game if we won.
351                if team.score >= self._score_to_win:
352                    self.end_game()
357        self._puck.scored = True
359        # Kill the puck (it'll respawn itself shortly).
360        bs.timer(1.0, self._kill_puck)
362        light = bs.newnode(
363            'light',
364            attrs={
365                'position': bs.getcollision().position,
366                'height_attenuated': False,
367                'color': (1, 0, 0),
368            },
369        )
370        bs.animate(light, 'intensity', {0: 0, 0.5: 1, 1.0: 0}, loop=True)
371        bs.timer(1.0, light.delete)
373        bs.cameraflash(duration=10.0)
374        self._update_scoreboard()
376    @override
377    def end_game(self) -> None:
378        results = bs.GameResults()
379        for team in self.teams:
380            results.set_team_score(team, team.score)
381        self.end(results=results)
383    def _update_scoreboard(self) -> None:
384        winscore = self._score_to_win
385        for team in self.teams:
386            self._scoreboard.set_team_value(team, team.score, winscore)
388    @override
389    def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
390        # Respawn dead players if they're still in the game.
391        if isinstance(msg, bs.PlayerDiedMessage):
392            # Augment standard behavior...
393            super().handlemessage(msg)
394            self.respawn_player(msg.getplayer(Player))
396        # Respawn dead pucks.
397        elif isinstance(msg, PuckDiedMessage):
398            if not self.has_ended():
399                bs.timer(3.0, self._spawn_puck)
400        else:
401            super().handlemessage(msg)
403    def _flash_puck_spawn(self) -> None:
404        light = bs.newnode(
405            'light',
406            attrs={
407                'position': self._puck_spawn_pos,
408                'height_attenuated': False,
409                'color': (1, 0, 0),
410            },
411        )
412        bs.animate(light, 'intensity', {0.0: 0, 0.25: 1, 0.5: 0}, loop=True)
413        bs.timer(1.0, light.delete)
415    def _spawn_puck(self) -> None:
418        self._flash_puck_spawn()
419        assert self._puck_spawn_pos is not None
420        self._puck = Puck(position=self._puck_spawn_pos)

Ice hockey game.

HockeyGame(settings: dict)
169    def __init__(self, settings: dict):
170        super().__init__(settings)
171        shared = SharedObjects.get()
172        self._scoreboard = Scoreboard()
173        self._cheer_sound = bs.getsound('cheer')
174        self._chant_sound = bs.getsound('crowdChant')
175        self._foghorn_sound = bs.getsound('foghorn')
176        self._swipsound = bs.getsound('swip')
177        self._whistle_sound = bs.getsound('refWhistle')
178        self.puck_mesh = bs.getmesh('puck')
179        self.puck_tex = bs.gettexture('puckColor')
180        self._puck_sound = bs.getsound('metalHit')
181        self.puck_material = bs.Material()
182        self.puck_material.add_actions(
183            actions=('modify_part_collision', 'friction', 0.5)
184        )
185        self.puck_material.add_actions(
186            conditions=('they_have_material', shared.pickup_material),
187            actions=('modify_part_collision', 'collide', False),
188        )
189        self.puck_material.add_actions(
190            conditions=(
191                ('we_are_younger_than', 100),
192                'and',
193                ('they_have_material', shared.object_material),
194            ),
195            actions=('modify_node_collision', 'collide', False),
196        )
197        self.puck_material.add_actions(
198            conditions=('they_have_material', shared.footing_material),
199            actions=('impact_sound', self._puck_sound, 0.2, 5),
200        )
202        # Keep track of which player last touched the puck
203        self.puck_material.add_actions(
204            conditions=('they_have_material', shared.player_material),
205            actions=(('call', 'at_connect', self._handle_puck_player_collide),),
206        )
208        # We want the puck to kill powerups; not get stopped by them
209        self.puck_material.add_actions(
210            conditions=(
211                'they_have_material',
212                PowerupBoxFactory.get().powerup_material,
213            ),
214            actions=(
215                ('modify_part_collision', 'physical', False),
216                ('message', 'their_node', 'at_connect', bs.DieMessage()),
217            ),
218        )
219        self._score_region_material = bs.Material()
220        self._score_region_material.add_actions(
221            conditions=('they_have_material', self.puck_material),
222            actions=(
223                ('modify_part_collision', 'collide', True),
224                ('modify_part_collision', 'physical', False),
225                ('call', 'at_connect', self._handle_score),
226            ),
227        )
228        self._puck_spawn_pos: Sequence[float] | None = None
229        self._score_regions: list[bs.NodeActor] | None = None
230        self._puck: Puck | None = None
231        self._score_to_win = int(settings['Score to Win'])
232        self._time_limit = float(settings['Time Limit'])
233        self._epic_mode = bool(settings['Epic Mode'])
234        self.slow_motion = self._epic_mode
235        self.default_music = (
236            bs.MusicType.EPIC if self._epic_mode else bs.MusicType.HOCKEY
237        )

Instantiate the Activity.

name = 'Hockey'
description = 'Score some goals.'
available_settings = [IntSetting(name='Score to Win', default=1, min_value=1, max_value=9999, increment=1), IntChoiceSetting(name='Time Limit', default=0, choices=[('None', 0), ('1 Minute', 60), ('2 Minutes', 120), ('5 Minutes', 300), ('10 Minutes', 600), ('20 Minutes', 1200)]), FloatChoiceSetting(name='Respawn Times', default=1.0, choices=[('Shorter', 0.25), ('Short', 0.5), ('Normal', 1.0), ('Long', 2.0), ('Longer', 4.0)]), BoolSetting(name='Epic Mode', default=False)]
def supports_session_type(cls, sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session]) -> bool:
158    @override
159    @classmethod
160    def supports_session_type(cls, sessiontype: type[bs.Session]) -> bool:
161        return issubclass(sessiontype, bs.DualTeamSession)

Class method override; returns True for ba.DualTeamSessions and ba.FreeForAllSessions; False otherwise.

def get_supported_maps(cls, sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session]) -> list[str]:
163    @override
164    @classmethod
165    def get_supported_maps(cls, sessiontype: type[bs.Session]) -> list[str]:
166        assert is not None
167        return'hockey')

Called by the default bascenev1.GameActivity.create_settings_ui() implementation; should return a list of map names valid for this game-type for the given bascenev1.Session type.

slow_motion = False

If True, runs in slow motion and turns down sound pitch.

default_music = None
def get_instance_description(self) -> Union[str, Sequence]:
239    @override
240    def get_instance_description(self) -> str | Sequence:
241        if self._score_to_win == 1:
242            return 'Score a goal.'
243        return 'Score ${ARG1} goals.', self._score_to_win

Return a description for this game instance, in English.

This is shown in the center of the screen below the game name at the start of a game. It should start with a capital letter and end with a period, and can be a bit more verbose than the version returned by get_instance_description_short().

Note that translation is applied by looking up the specific returned value as a key, so the number of returned variations should be limited; ideally just one or two. To include arbitrary values in the description, you can return a sequence of values in the following form instead of just a string:

This will give us something like 'Score 3 goals.' in English

and can properly translate to 'Anota 3 goles.' in Spanish.

If we just returned the string 'Score 3 Goals' here, there would

have to be a translation entry for each specific number. ew.

return ['Score ${ARG1} goals.', self.settings_raw['Score to Win']]

This way the first string can be consistently translated, with any arg values then substituted into the result. ${ARG1} will be replaced with the first value, ${ARG2} with the second, etc.

def get_instance_description_short(self) -> Union[str, Sequence]:
245    @override
246    def get_instance_description_short(self) -> str | Sequence:
247        if self._score_to_win == 1:
248            return 'score a goal'
249        return 'score ${ARG1} goals', self._score_to_win

Return a short description for this game instance in English.

This description is used above the game scoreboard in the corner of the screen, so it should be as concise as possible. It should be lowercase and should not contain periods or other punctuation.

Note that translation is applied by looking up the specific returned value as a key, so the number of returned variations should be limited; ideally just one or two. To include arbitrary values in the description, you can return a sequence of values in the following form instead of just a string:

This will give us something like 'score 3 goals' in English

and can properly translate to 'anota 3 goles' in Spanish.

If we just returned the string 'score 3 goals' here, there would

have to be a translation entry for each specific number. ew.

return ['score ${ARG1} goals', self.settings_raw['Score to Win']]

This way the first string can be consistently translated, with any arg values then substituted into the result. ${ARG1} will be replaced with the first value, ${ARG2} with the second, etc.

def on_begin(self) -> None:
251    @override
252    def on_begin(self) -> None:
253        super().on_begin()
255        self.setup_standard_time_limit(self._time_limit)
256        self.setup_standard_powerup_drops()
257        self._puck_spawn_pos =
258        self._spawn_puck()
260        # Set up the two score regions.
261        defs =
262        self._score_regions = []
263        self._score_regions.append(
264            bs.NodeActor(
265                bs.newnode(
266                    'region',
267                    attrs={
268                        'position': defs.boxes['goal1'][0:3],
269                        'scale': defs.boxes['goal1'][6:9],
270                        'type': 'box',
271                        'materials': [self._score_region_material],
272                    },
273                )
274            )
275        )
276        self._score_regions.append(
277            bs.NodeActor(
278                bs.newnode(
279                    'region',
280                    attrs={
281                        'position': defs.boxes['goal2'][0:3],
282                        'scale': defs.boxes['goal2'][6:9],
283                        'type': 'box',
284                        'materials': [self._score_region_material],
285                    },
286                )
287            )
288        )
289        self._update_scoreboard()

Called once the previous Activity has finished transitioning out.

At this point the activity's initial players and teams are filled in and it should begin its actual game logic.

def on_team_join(self, team: Team) -> None:
292    @override
293    def on_team_join(self, team: Team) -> None:
294        self._update_scoreboard()

Called when a new bascenev1.Team joins the Activity.

(including the initial set of Teams)

def end_game(self) -> None:
376    @override
377    def end_game(self) -> None:
378        results = bs.GameResults()
379        for team in self.teams:
380            results.set_team_score(team, team.score)
381        self.end(results=results)

Tell the game to wrap up and call bascenev1.Activity.end().

This method should be overridden by subclasses. A game should always be prepared to end and deliver results, even if there is no 'winner' yet; this way things like the standard time-limit (bascenev1.GameActivity.setup_standard_time_limit()) will work with the game.

def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
388    @override
389    def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any:
390        # Respawn dead players if they're still in the game.
391        if isinstance(msg, bs.PlayerDiedMessage):
392            # Augment standard behavior...
393            super().handlemessage(msg)
394            self.respawn_player(msg.getplayer(Player))
396        # Respawn dead pucks.
397        elif isinstance(msg, PuckDiedMessage):
398            if not self.has_ended():
399                bs.timer(3.0, self._spawn_puck)
400        else:
401            super().handlemessage(msg)

General message handling; can be passed any message object.