
Utilities for debugging memory leaks or other issues.

IMPORTANT - these functions use the gc module which looks 'under the hood' at Python and sometimes returns not-fully-initialized objects, which may cause crashes or errors due to suddenly having references to them that they didn't expect, etc. See https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/59313. For this reason, these methods should NEVER be called in production code. Enable them only for debugging situations and be aware that their use may itself cause problems. The same is true for the gc module itself.

  1# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
  3"""Utilities for debugging memory leaks or other issues.
  5IMPORTANT - these functions use the gc module which looks 'under the hood'
  6at Python and sometimes returns not-fully-initialized objects, which may
  7cause crashes or errors due to suddenly having references to them that they
  8didn't expect, etc. See https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/59313.
  9For this reason, these methods should NEVER be called in production code.
 10Enable them only for debugging situations and be aware that their use may
 11itself cause problems. The same is true for the gc module itself.
 13from __future__ import annotations
 15import gc
 16import sys
 17import time
 18import types
 19import weakref
 20import threading
 21from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
 24    from typing import Any, TextIO
 26    from logging import Logger
 30# NOTE: In general we want this toolset to allow us to explore
 31# which objects are holding references to others so we can diagnose
 32# leaks/etc. It is a bit tricky to do that, however, without
 33# affecting the objects we are looking at by adding temporary references
 34# from module dicts, function scopes, etc. So we need to try to be
 35# careful about cleaning up after ourselves and explicitly avoiding
 36# returning these temporary references wherever possible.
 38# A good test is running printrefs() repeatedly on some object that is
 39# known to be static. If the list of references or the ids or any
 40# the listed references changes with each run, it's a good sign that
 41# we're showing some temporary objects that we should be ignoring.
 44def getobjs(
 45    cls: type | str, contains: str | None = None, expanded: bool = False
 46) -> list[Any]:
 47    """Return all garbage-collected objects matching criteria.
 49    'type' can be an actual type or a string in which case objects
 50    whose types contain that string will be returned.
 52    If 'contains' is provided, objects will be filtered to those
 53    containing that in their str() representations.
 54    """
 56    # Don't wanna return stuff waiting to be garbage-collected.
 57    gc.collect()
 59    if not isinstance(cls, type | str):
 60        raise TypeError('Expected a type or string for cls')
 61    if not isinstance(contains, str | None):
 62        raise TypeError('Expected a string or None for contains')
 64    allobjs = _get_all_objects(expanded=expanded)
 66    if isinstance(cls, str):
 67        objs = [o for o in allobjs if cls in str(type(o))]
 68    else:
 69        objs = [o for o in allobjs if isinstance(o, cls)]
 70    if contains is not None:
 71        objs = [o for o in objs if contains in str(o)]
 73    return objs
 76# Recursively expand slists objects into olist, using seen to track
 77# already processed objects.
 78def _getr(slist: list[Any], olist: list[Any], seen: set[int]) -> None:
 79    for obj in slist:
 80        if id(obj) in seen:
 81            continue
 82        seen.add(id(obj))
 83        olist.append(obj)
 84        tll = gc.get_referents(obj)
 85        if tll:
 86            _getr(tll, olist, seen)
 89def _get_all_objects(expanded: bool) -> list[Any]:
 90    """Return an expanded list of all objects.
 92    See https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/python/GetAllObjects
 93    """
 94    gcl = gc.get_objects()
 95    if not expanded:
 96        return gcl
 97    olist: list[Any] = []
 98    seen: set[int] = set()
 99    # Just in case:
100    seen.add(id(gcl))
101    seen.add(id(olist))
102    seen.add(id(seen))
103    # _getr does the real work.
104    _getr(gcl, olist, seen)
105    return olist
108def getobj(objid: int, expanded: bool = False) -> Any:
109    """Return a garbage-collected object by its id.
111    Remember that this is VERY inefficient and should only ever be used
112    for debugging.
113    """
114    if not isinstance(objid, int):
115        raise TypeError(f'Expected an int for objid; got a {type(objid)}.')
117    # Don't wanna return stuff waiting to be garbage-collected.
118    gc.collect()
120    allobjs = _get_all_objects(expanded=expanded)
121    for obj in allobjs:
122        if id(obj) == objid:
123            return obj
124    raise RuntimeError(f'Object with id {objid} not found.')
127def getrefs(obj: Any) -> list[Any]:
128    """Given an object, return things referencing it."""
129    v = vars()  # Ignore ref coming from locals.
130    return [o for o in gc.get_referrers(obj) if o is not v]
133def printfiles(file: TextIO | None = None) -> None:
134    """Print info about open files in the current app."""
135    import io
137    file = sys.stderr if file is None else file
138    try:
139        import psutil
140    except ImportError:
141        print(
142            "Error: printfiles requires the 'psutil' module to be installed.",
143            file=file,
144        )
145        return
147    proc = psutil.Process()
149    # Let's grab all Python file handles so we can associate raw files
150    # with their Python objects when possible.
151    fileio_ids = {obj.fileno(): obj for obj in getobjs(io.FileIO)}
152    textio_ids = {obj.fileno(): obj for obj in getobjs(io.TextIOWrapper)}
154    # FIXME: we could do a more limited version of this when psutil is
155    # not present that simply includes Python's files.
156    print('Files open by this app (not limited to Python\'s):', file=file)
157    for i, ofile in enumerate(proc.open_files()):
158        # Mypy doesn't know about mode apparently.
159        # (and can't use type: ignore because we don't require psutil
160        # and then mypy complains about unused ignore comment when its
161        # not present)
162        mode = getattr(ofile, 'mode')
163        assert isinstance(mode, str)
164        textio = textio_ids.get(ofile.fd)
165        textio_s = id(textio) if textio is not None else '<not found>'
166        fileio = fileio_ids.get(ofile.fd)
167        fileio_s = id(fileio) if fileio is not None else '<not found>'
168        print(
169            f'#{i+1}: path={ofile.path!r},'
170            f' fd={ofile.fd}, mode={mode!r}, TextIOWrapper={textio_s},'
171            f' FileIO={fileio_s}'
172        )
175def printrefs(
176    obj: Any,
177    max_level: int = 2,
178    exclude_objs: list[Any] | None = None,
179    expand_ids: list[int] | None = None,
180    file: TextIO | None = None,
181) -> None:
182    """Print human readable list of objects referring to an object.
184    'max_level' specifies how many levels of recursion are printed.
185    'exclude_objs' can be a list of exact objects to skip if found in the
186      referrers list. This can be useful to avoid printing the local context
187      where the object was passed in from (locals(), etc).
188    'expand_ids' can be a list of object ids; if that particular object is
189      found, it will always be expanded even if max_level has been reached.
190    """
191    _printrefs(
192        obj,
193        level=0,
194        max_level=max_level,
195        exclude_objs=[] if exclude_objs is None else exclude_objs,
196        expand_ids=[] if expand_ids is None else expand_ids,
197        file=sys.stderr if file is None else file,
198    )
201def printtypes(
202    limit: int = 50, file: TextIO | None = None, expanded: bool = False
203) -> None:
204    """Print a human readable list of which types have the most instances."""
205    assert limit > 0
206    objtypes: dict[str, int] = {}
207    gc.collect()  # Recommended before get_objects().
208    allobjs = _get_all_objects(expanded=expanded)
209    allobjc = len(allobjs)
210    for obj in allobjs:
211        modname = type(obj).__module__
212        tpname = type(obj).__qualname__
213        if modname != 'builtins':
214            tpname = f'{modname}.{tpname}'
215        objtypes[tpname] = objtypes.get(tpname, 0) + 1
217    # Presumably allobjs contains stack-frame/dict type stuff
218    # from this function call which in turn contain refs to allobjs.
219    # Let's try to prevent these huge lists from accumulating until
220    # the cyclical collector (hopefully) gets to them.
221    allobjs.clear()
222    del allobjs
224    print(f'Types most allocated ({allobjc} total objects):', file=file)
225    for i, tpitem in enumerate(
226        sorted(objtypes.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:limit]
227    ):
228        tpname, tpval = tpitem
229        percent = tpval / allobjc * 100.0
230        print(f'{i+1}: {tpname}: {tpval} ({percent:.2f}%)', file=file)
233def printsizes(
234    limit: int = 50, file: TextIO | None = None, expanded: bool = False
235) -> None:
236    """Print total allocated sizes of different types."""
237    assert limit > 0
238    objsizes: dict[str, int] = {}
239    gc.collect()  # Recommended before get_objects().
240    allobjs = _get_all_objects(expanded=expanded)
241    totalobjsize = 0
243    for obj in allobjs:
244        modname = type(obj).__module__
245        tpname = type(obj).__qualname__
246        if modname != 'builtins':
247            tpname = f'{modname}.{tpname}'
248        objsize = sys.getsizeof(obj)
249        objsizes[tpname] = objsizes.get(tpname, 0) + objsize
250        totalobjsize += objsize
252    totalobjmb = totalobjsize / (1024 * 1024)
253    print(
254        f'Types with most allocated bytes ({totalobjmb:.2f} mb total):',
255        file=file,
256    )
257    for i, tpitem in enumerate(
258        sorted(objsizes.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:limit]
259    ):
260        tpname, tpval = tpitem
261        percent = tpval / totalobjsize * 100.0
262        print(f'{i+1}: {tpname}: {tpval} ({percent:.2f}%)', file=file)
265def _desctype(obj: Any) -> str:
266    cls = type(obj)
267    if cls is types.ModuleType:
268        return f'{type(obj).__name__} {obj.__name__}'
269    if cls is types.MethodType:
270        bnd = 'bound' if hasattr(obj, '__self__') else 'unbound'
271        return f'{bnd} {type(obj).__name__} {obj.__name__}'
272    return f'{type(obj).__name__}'
275def _desc(obj: Any) -> str:
276    extra: str | None = None
277    if isinstance(obj, list | tuple):
278        # Print length and the first few types.
279        tps = [_desctype(i) for i in obj[:3]]
280        tpsj = ', '.join(tps)
281        tpss = (
282            f', contains [{tpsj}, ...]'
283            if len(obj) > 3
284            else f', contains [{tpsj}]' if tps else ''
285        )
286        extra = f' (len {len(obj)}{tpss})'
287    elif isinstance(obj, dict):
288        # If it seems to be the vars() for a type or module, try to
289        # identify what.
290        for ref in getrefs(obj):
291            if hasattr(ref, '__dict__') and vars(ref) is obj:
292                extra = f' (vars for {_desctype(ref)} @ {id(ref)})'
294        # Generic dict: print length and the first few key:type pairs.
295        if extra is None:
296            pairs = [
297                f'{repr(n)}: {_desctype(v)}' for n, v in list(obj.items())[:3]
298            ]
299            pairsj = ', '.join(pairs)
300            pairss = (
301                f', contains {{{pairsj}, ...}}'
302                if len(obj) > 3
303                else f', contains {{{pairsj}}}' if pairs else ''
304            )
305            extra = f' (len {len(obj)}{pairss})'
306    if extra is None:
307        extra = ''
308    return f'{_desctype(obj)} @ {id(obj)}{extra}'
311def _printrefs(
312    obj: Any,
313    *,
314    level: int,
315    max_level: int,
316    exclude_objs: list,
317    expand_ids: list[int],
318    file: TextIO,
319) -> None:
320    ind = '  ' * level
321    print(ind + _desc(obj), file=file)
322    v = vars()
323    if level < max_level or (id(obj) in expand_ids and level < ABS_MAX_LEVEL):
324        refs = getrefs(obj)
325        for ref in refs:
326            # It seems we tend to get a transient cell object with
327            # contents set to obj. Would be nice to understand why that
328            # happens but just ignoring it for now.
329            if isinstance(ref, types.CellType) and ref.cell_contents is obj:
330                continue
332            # Ignore anything we were asked to ignore.
333            if exclude_objs is not None:
334                if any(ref is eobj for eobj in exclude_objs):
335                    continue
337            # Ignore references from our locals.
338            if ref is v:
339                continue
341            # The 'refs' list we just made will be listed as a referrer
342            # of this obj, so explicitly exclude it from the obj's
343            # listing.
344            _printrefs(
345                ref,
346                level=level + 1,
347                max_level=max_level,
348                exclude_objs=exclude_objs + [refs],
349                expand_ids=expand_ids,
350                file=file,
351            )
354class DeadlockDumper:
355    """Dumps thread states if still around after timeout seconds.
357    This uses low level Python functionality so should still fire
358    even in the case of deadlock.
359    """
361    # faulthandler has a single traceback-dump-later state, so only
362    # one of us can control it at a time.
363    lock = threading.Lock()
364    watch_in_progress = False
366    def __init__(self, timeout: float) -> None:
367        import faulthandler
369        cls = type(self)
371        with cls.lock:
372            if cls.watch_in_progress:
373                print(
374                    'Existing DeadlockDumper found; new one will be a no-op.',
375                    file=sys.stderr,
376                )
377                self.active = False
378                return
380            # Ok; no watch is in progress; we can be the active one.
381            cls.watch_in_progress = True
382            self.active = True
383            faulthandler.dump_traceback_later(timeout=timeout)
385    def __del__(self) -> None:
386        import faulthandler
388        cls = type(self)
390        # If we made it to here, call off the dump. But only if we are
391        # the active dump.
392        if self.active:
393            faulthandler.cancel_dump_traceback_later()
394            cls.watch_in_progress = False
397class DeadlockWatcher:
398    """Individual watcher for deadlock conditions.
400    Use the enable_deadlock_watchers() to enable this system.
402    Next, use these wrapped in a with statement around some operation
403    that may deadlock. If the with statement does not complete within the
404    timeout period, a traceback of all threads will be dumped.
406    Note that the checker thread runs a cycle every ~5 seconds, so
407    something stuck needs to remain stuck for 5 seconds or so to be
408    caught for sure.
409    """
411    watchers_lock: threading.Lock | None = None
412    watchers: list[weakref.ref[DeadlockWatcher]] | None = None
414    def __init__(
415        self,
416        timeout: float = 10.0,
417        logger: Logger | None = None,
418        logextra: dict | None = None,
419    ) -> None:
420        from efro.util import caller_source_location
422        # pylint: disable=not-context-manager
423        cls = type(self)
424        if cls.watchers_lock is None or cls.watchers is None:
425            print(
426                'DeadlockWatcher created without watchers enabled.',
427                file=sys.stderr,
428            )
429            return
431        # All we do is record when we were made and how long till we
432        # expire.
433        self.create_time = time.monotonic()
434        self.timeout = timeout
435        self.noted_expire = False
436        self.logger = logger
437        self.logextra = logextra
438        self.caller_source_loc = caller_source_location()
439        curthread = threading.current_thread()
440        self.thread_id = (
441            '<unknown>'
442            if curthread.ident is None
443            else hex(curthread.ident).removeprefix('0x')
444        )
445        self.active = False
447        with cls.watchers_lock:
448            cls.watchers.append(weakref.ref(self))
450    # Support the with statement.
451    def __enter__(self) -> Any:
452        self.active = True
453        return self
455    def __exit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_value: Any, exc_tb: Any) -> None:
456        self.active = False
458        # Print if we lived past our deadline. This is just an extra
459        # data point. The watcher thread should be doing the actual
460        # stack dumps/etc.
461        if self.logger is None or self.logextra is None:
462            return
464        duration = time.monotonic() - self.create_time
465        if duration > self.timeout:
466            self.logger.error(
467                'DeadlockWatcher %s at %s in thread %s lived %.2fs,'
468                ' past timeout %.2fs. This should have triggered'
469                ' a deadlock dump.',
470                id(self),
471                self.caller_source_loc,
472                self.thread_id,
473                duration,
474                self.timeout,
475                extra=self.logextra,
476            )
478    @classmethod
479    def enable_deadlock_watchers(cls) -> None:
480        """Spins up deadlock-watcher functionality.
482        Must be explicitly called before any DeadlockWatchers are
483        created.
484        """
485        assert cls.watchers_lock is None
486        cls.watchers_lock = threading.Lock()
487        assert cls.watchers is None
488        cls.watchers = []
490        threading.Thread(
491            target=cls._deadlock_watcher_thread_main, daemon=True
492        ).start()
494    @classmethod
495    def _deadlock_watcher_thread_main(cls) -> None:
496        # pylint: disable=not-context-manager
497        # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
498        assert cls.watchers_lock is not None and cls.watchers is not None
500        # Spin in a loop checking our watchers periodically and dumping
501        # state if any have timed out. The trick here is that we don't
502        # explicitly dump state, but rather we set up a "dead man's
503        # switch" that does so after some amount of time if we don't
504        # explicitly cancel it. This way we'll hopefully get state dumps
505        # even for things like total GIL deadlocks.
506        while True:
508            # Set a dead man's switch for this pass.
509            dumper = DeadlockDumper(timeout=5.171)
511            # Sleep most of the way through it but give ourselves time
512            # to turn it off if we're still responsive.
513            time.sleep(4.129)
514            now = time.monotonic()
516            found_fresh_expired = False
518            # If any watcher is still active and expired, sleep past the
519            # timeout to force the dumper to do its thing.
520            with cls.watchers_lock:
522                for wref in cls.watchers:
523                    w = wref()
524                    if (
525                        w is not None
526                        and now - w.create_time > w.timeout
527                        and not w.noted_expire
528                        and w.active
529                    ):
530                        # If they supplied a logger, let them know they
531                        # should check stderr for a dump.
532                        if w.logger is not None:
533                            w.logger.error(
534                                'DeadlockWatcher %s at %s in thread %s'
535                                ' with time %.2f expired;'
536                                ' check stderr for stack traces.',
537                                id(w),
538                                w.caller_source_loc,
539                                w.thread_id,
540                                w.timeout,
541                                extra=w.logextra,
542                            )
543                        found_fresh_expired = True
544                        w.noted_expire = True
546                    # Important to clear this ref; otherwise we can keep
547                    # a random watcher alive until our next time through.
548                    w = None
550                # Prune dead watchers and reset for the next pass.
551                cls.watchers = [w for w in cls.watchers if w() is not None]
553            if found_fresh_expired:
554                # Push us over the dumper time limit which give us a
555                # lovely dump. Technically we could just do an immediate
556                # dump here instead, but that would give us two paths to
557                # maintain instead of this single one.
558                time.sleep(2.0)
560            # Call off the dump if it hasn't happened yet.
561            del dumper
def getobjs( cls: type | str, contains: str | None = None, expanded: bool = False) -> list[typing.Any]:
45def getobjs(
46    cls: type | str, contains: str | None = None, expanded: bool = False
47) -> list[Any]:
48    """Return all garbage-collected objects matching criteria.
50    'type' can be an actual type or a string in which case objects
51    whose types contain that string will be returned.
53    If 'contains' is provided, objects will be filtered to those
54    containing that in their str() representations.
55    """
57    # Don't wanna return stuff waiting to be garbage-collected.
58    gc.collect()
60    if not isinstance(cls, type | str):
61        raise TypeError('Expected a type or string for cls')
62    if not isinstance(contains, str | None):
63        raise TypeError('Expected a string or None for contains')
65    allobjs = _get_all_objects(expanded=expanded)
67    if isinstance(cls, str):
68        objs = [o for o in allobjs if cls in str(type(o))]
69    else:
70        objs = [o for o in allobjs if isinstance(o, cls)]
71    if contains is not None:
72        objs = [o for o in objs if contains in str(o)]
74    return objs

Return all garbage-collected objects matching criteria.

'type' can be an actual type or a string in which case objects whose types contain that string will be returned.

If 'contains' is provided, objects will be filtered to those containing that in their str() representations.

def getobj(objid: int, expanded: bool = False) -> Any:
109def getobj(objid: int, expanded: bool = False) -> Any:
110    """Return a garbage-collected object by its id.
112    Remember that this is VERY inefficient and should only ever be used
113    for debugging.
114    """
115    if not isinstance(objid, int):
116        raise TypeError(f'Expected an int for objid; got a {type(objid)}.')
118    # Don't wanna return stuff waiting to be garbage-collected.
119    gc.collect()
121    allobjs = _get_all_objects(expanded=expanded)
122    for obj in allobjs:
123        if id(obj) == objid:
124            return obj
125    raise RuntimeError(f'Object with id {objid} not found.')

Return a garbage-collected object by its id.

Remember that this is VERY inefficient and should only ever be used for debugging.

def getrefs(obj: Any) -> list[typing.Any]:
128def getrefs(obj: Any) -> list[Any]:
129    """Given an object, return things referencing it."""
130    v = vars()  # Ignore ref coming from locals.
131    return [o for o in gc.get_referrers(obj) if o is not v]

Given an object, return things referencing it.

def printfiles(file: typing.TextIO | None = None) -> None:
134def printfiles(file: TextIO | None = None) -> None:
135    """Print info about open files in the current app."""
136    import io
138    file = sys.stderr if file is None else file
139    try:
140        import psutil
141    except ImportError:
142        print(
143            "Error: printfiles requires the 'psutil' module to be installed.",
144            file=file,
145        )
146        return
148    proc = psutil.Process()
150    # Let's grab all Python file handles so we can associate raw files
151    # with their Python objects when possible.
152    fileio_ids = {obj.fileno(): obj for obj in getobjs(io.FileIO)}
153    textio_ids = {obj.fileno(): obj for obj in getobjs(io.TextIOWrapper)}
155    # FIXME: we could do a more limited version of this when psutil is
156    # not present that simply includes Python's files.
157    print('Files open by this app (not limited to Python\'s):', file=file)
158    for i, ofile in enumerate(proc.open_files()):
159        # Mypy doesn't know about mode apparently.
160        # (and can't use type: ignore because we don't require psutil
161        # and then mypy complains about unused ignore comment when its
162        # not present)
163        mode = getattr(ofile, 'mode')
164        assert isinstance(mode, str)
165        textio = textio_ids.get(ofile.fd)
166        textio_s = id(textio) if textio is not None else '<not found>'
167        fileio = fileio_ids.get(ofile.fd)
168        fileio_s = id(fileio) if fileio is not None else '<not found>'
169        print(
170            f'#{i+1}: path={ofile.path!r},'
171            f' fd={ofile.fd}, mode={mode!r}, TextIOWrapper={textio_s},'
172            f' FileIO={fileio_s}'
173        )

Print info about open files in the current app.

def printrefs( obj: Any, max_level: int = 2, exclude_objs: list[typing.Any] | None = None, expand_ids: list[int] | None = None, file: typing.TextIO | None = None) -> None:
176def printrefs(
177    obj: Any,
178    max_level: int = 2,
179    exclude_objs: list[Any] | None = None,
180    expand_ids: list[int] | None = None,
181    file: TextIO | None = None,
182) -> None:
183    """Print human readable list of objects referring to an object.
185    'max_level' specifies how many levels of recursion are printed.
186    'exclude_objs' can be a list of exact objects to skip if found in the
187      referrers list. This can be useful to avoid printing the local context
188      where the object was passed in from (locals(), etc).
189    'expand_ids' can be a list of object ids; if that particular object is
190      found, it will always be expanded even if max_level has been reached.
191    """
192    _printrefs(
193        obj,
194        level=0,
195        max_level=max_level,
196        exclude_objs=[] if exclude_objs is None else exclude_objs,
197        expand_ids=[] if expand_ids is None else expand_ids,
198        file=sys.stderr if file is None else file,
199    )

Print human readable list of objects referring to an object.

'max_level' specifies how many levels of recursion are printed. 'exclude_objs' can be a list of exact objects to skip if found in the referrers list. This can be useful to avoid printing the local context where the object was passed in from (locals(), etc). 'expand_ids' can be a list of object ids; if that particular object is found, it will always be expanded even if max_level has been reached.

def printtypes( limit: int = 50, file: typing.TextIO | None = None, expanded: bool = False) -> None:
202def printtypes(
203    limit: int = 50, file: TextIO | None = None, expanded: bool = False
204) -> None:
205    """Print a human readable list of which types have the most instances."""
206    assert limit > 0
207    objtypes: dict[str, int] = {}
208    gc.collect()  # Recommended before get_objects().
209    allobjs = _get_all_objects(expanded=expanded)
210    allobjc = len(allobjs)
211    for obj in allobjs:
212        modname = type(obj).__module__
213        tpname = type(obj).__qualname__
214        if modname != 'builtins':
215            tpname = f'{modname}.{tpname}'
216        objtypes[tpname] = objtypes.get(tpname, 0) + 1
218    # Presumably allobjs contains stack-frame/dict type stuff
219    # from this function call which in turn contain refs to allobjs.
220    # Let's try to prevent these huge lists from accumulating until
221    # the cyclical collector (hopefully) gets to them.
222    allobjs.clear()
223    del allobjs
225    print(f'Types most allocated ({allobjc} total objects):', file=file)
226    for i, tpitem in enumerate(
227        sorted(objtypes.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:limit]
228    ):
229        tpname, tpval = tpitem
230        percent = tpval / allobjc * 100.0
231        print(f'{i+1}: {tpname}: {tpval} ({percent:.2f}%)', file=file)

Print a human readable list of which types have the most instances.

def printsizes( limit: int = 50, file: typing.TextIO | None = None, expanded: bool = False) -> None:
234def printsizes(
235    limit: int = 50, file: TextIO | None = None, expanded: bool = False
236) -> None:
237    """Print total allocated sizes of different types."""
238    assert limit > 0
239    objsizes: dict[str, int] = {}
240    gc.collect()  # Recommended before get_objects().
241    allobjs = _get_all_objects(expanded=expanded)
242    totalobjsize = 0
244    for obj in allobjs:
245        modname = type(obj).__module__
246        tpname = type(obj).__qualname__
247        if modname != 'builtins':
248            tpname = f'{modname}.{tpname}'
249        objsize = sys.getsizeof(obj)
250        objsizes[tpname] = objsizes.get(tpname, 0) + objsize
251        totalobjsize += objsize
253    totalobjmb = totalobjsize / (1024 * 1024)
254    print(
255        f'Types with most allocated bytes ({totalobjmb:.2f} mb total):',
256        file=file,
257    )
258    for i, tpitem in enumerate(
259        sorted(objsizes.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:limit]
260    ):
261        tpname, tpval = tpitem
262        percent = tpval / totalobjsize * 100.0
263        print(f'{i+1}: {tpname}: {tpval} ({percent:.2f}%)', file=file)

Print total allocated sizes of different types.

class DeadlockDumper:
355class DeadlockDumper:
356    """Dumps thread states if still around after timeout seconds.
358    This uses low level Python functionality so should still fire
359    even in the case of deadlock.
360    """
362    # faulthandler has a single traceback-dump-later state, so only
363    # one of us can control it at a time.
364    lock = threading.Lock()
365    watch_in_progress = False
367    def __init__(self, timeout: float) -> None:
368        import faulthandler
370        cls = type(self)
372        with cls.lock:
373            if cls.watch_in_progress:
374                print(
375                    'Existing DeadlockDumper found; new one will be a no-op.',
376                    file=sys.stderr,
377                )
378                self.active = False
379                return
381            # Ok; no watch is in progress; we can be the active one.
382            cls.watch_in_progress = True
383            self.active = True
384            faulthandler.dump_traceback_later(timeout=timeout)
386    def __del__(self) -> None:
387        import faulthandler
389        cls = type(self)
391        # If we made it to here, call off the dump. But only if we are
392        # the active dump.
393        if self.active:
394            faulthandler.cancel_dump_traceback_later()
395            cls.watch_in_progress = False

Dumps thread states if still around after timeout seconds.

This uses low level Python functionality so should still fire even in the case of deadlock.

DeadlockDumper(timeout: float)
367    def __init__(self, timeout: float) -> None:
368        import faulthandler
370        cls = type(self)
372        with cls.lock:
373            if cls.watch_in_progress:
374                print(
375                    'Existing DeadlockDumper found; new one will be a no-op.',
376                    file=sys.stderr,
377                )
378                self.active = False
379                return
381            # Ok; no watch is in progress; we can be the active one.
382            cls.watch_in_progress = True
383            self.active = True
384            faulthandler.dump_traceback_later(timeout=timeout)
lock = <unlocked _thread.lock object>
watch_in_progress = False
class DeadlockWatcher:
398class DeadlockWatcher:
399    """Individual watcher for deadlock conditions.
401    Use the enable_deadlock_watchers() to enable this system.
403    Next, use these wrapped in a with statement around some operation
404    that may deadlock. If the with statement does not complete within the
405    timeout period, a traceback of all threads will be dumped.
407    Note that the checker thread runs a cycle every ~5 seconds, so
408    something stuck needs to remain stuck for 5 seconds or so to be
409    caught for sure.
410    """
412    watchers_lock: threading.Lock | None = None
413    watchers: list[weakref.ref[DeadlockWatcher]] | None = None
415    def __init__(
416        self,
417        timeout: float = 10.0,
418        logger: Logger | None = None,
419        logextra: dict | None = None,
420    ) -> None:
421        from efro.util import caller_source_location
423        # pylint: disable=not-context-manager
424        cls = type(self)
425        if cls.watchers_lock is None or cls.watchers is None:
426            print(
427                'DeadlockWatcher created without watchers enabled.',
428                file=sys.stderr,
429            )
430            return
432        # All we do is record when we were made and how long till we
433        # expire.
434        self.create_time = time.monotonic()
435        self.timeout = timeout
436        self.noted_expire = False
437        self.logger = logger
438        self.logextra = logextra
439        self.caller_source_loc = caller_source_location()
440        curthread = threading.current_thread()
441        self.thread_id = (
442            '<unknown>'
443            if curthread.ident is None
444            else hex(curthread.ident).removeprefix('0x')
445        )
446        self.active = False
448        with cls.watchers_lock:
449            cls.watchers.append(weakref.ref(self))
451    # Support the with statement.
452    def __enter__(self) -> Any:
453        self.active = True
454        return self
456    def __exit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_value: Any, exc_tb: Any) -> None:
457        self.active = False
459        # Print if we lived past our deadline. This is just an extra
460        # data point. The watcher thread should be doing the actual
461        # stack dumps/etc.
462        if self.logger is None or self.logextra is None:
463            return
465        duration = time.monotonic() - self.create_time
466        if duration > self.timeout:
467            self.logger.error(
468                'DeadlockWatcher %s at %s in thread %s lived %.2fs,'
469                ' past timeout %.2fs. This should have triggered'
470                ' a deadlock dump.',
471                id(self),
472                self.caller_source_loc,
473                self.thread_id,
474                duration,
475                self.timeout,
476                extra=self.logextra,
477            )
479    @classmethod
480    def enable_deadlock_watchers(cls) -> None:
481        """Spins up deadlock-watcher functionality.
483        Must be explicitly called before any DeadlockWatchers are
484        created.
485        """
486        assert cls.watchers_lock is None
487        cls.watchers_lock = threading.Lock()
488        assert cls.watchers is None
489        cls.watchers = []
491        threading.Thread(
492            target=cls._deadlock_watcher_thread_main, daemon=True
493        ).start()
495    @classmethod
496    def _deadlock_watcher_thread_main(cls) -> None:
497        # pylint: disable=not-context-manager
498        # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
499        assert cls.watchers_lock is not None and cls.watchers is not None
501        # Spin in a loop checking our watchers periodically and dumping
502        # state if any have timed out. The trick here is that we don't
503        # explicitly dump state, but rather we set up a "dead man's
504        # switch" that does so after some amount of time if we don't
505        # explicitly cancel it. This way we'll hopefully get state dumps
506        # even for things like total GIL deadlocks.
507        while True:
509            # Set a dead man's switch for this pass.
510            dumper = DeadlockDumper(timeout=5.171)
512            # Sleep most of the way through it but give ourselves time
513            # to turn it off if we're still responsive.
514            time.sleep(4.129)
515            now = time.monotonic()
517            found_fresh_expired = False
519            # If any watcher is still active and expired, sleep past the
520            # timeout to force the dumper to do its thing.
521            with cls.watchers_lock:
523                for wref in cls.watchers:
524                    w = wref()
525                    if (
526                        w is not None
527                        and now - w.create_time > w.timeout
528                        and not w.noted_expire
529                        and w.active
530                    ):
531                        # If they supplied a logger, let them know they
532                        # should check stderr for a dump.
533                        if w.logger is not None:
534                            w.logger.error(
535                                'DeadlockWatcher %s at %s in thread %s'
536                                ' with time %.2f expired;'
537                                ' check stderr for stack traces.',
538                                id(w),
539                                w.caller_source_loc,
540                                w.thread_id,
541                                w.timeout,
542                                extra=w.logextra,
543                            )
544                        found_fresh_expired = True
545                        w.noted_expire = True
547                    # Important to clear this ref; otherwise we can keep
548                    # a random watcher alive until our next time through.
549                    w = None
551                # Prune dead watchers and reset for the next pass.
552                cls.watchers = [w for w in cls.watchers if w() is not None]
554            if found_fresh_expired:
555                # Push us over the dumper time limit which give us a
556                # lovely dump. Technically we could just do an immediate
557                # dump here instead, but that would give us two paths to
558                # maintain instead of this single one.
559                time.sleep(2.0)
561            # Call off the dump if it hasn't happened yet.
562            del dumper

Individual watcher for deadlock conditions.

Use the enable_deadlock_watchers() to enable this system.

Next, use these wrapped in a with statement around some operation that may deadlock. If the with statement does not complete within the timeout period, a traceback of all threads will be dumped.

Note that the checker thread runs a cycle every ~5 seconds, so something stuck needs to remain stuck for 5 seconds or so to be caught for sure.

DeadlockWatcher( timeout: float = 10.0, logger: logging.Logger | None = None, logextra: dict | None = None)
415    def __init__(
416        self,
417        timeout: float = 10.0,
418        logger: Logger | None = None,
419        logextra: dict | None = None,
420    ) -> None:
421        from efro.util import caller_source_location
423        # pylint: disable=not-context-manager
424        cls = type(self)
425        if cls.watchers_lock is None or cls.watchers is None:
426            print(
427                'DeadlockWatcher created without watchers enabled.',
428                file=sys.stderr,
429            )
430            return
432        # All we do is record when we were made and how long till we
433        # expire.
434        self.create_time = time.monotonic()
435        self.timeout = timeout
436        self.noted_expire = False
437        self.logger = logger
438        self.logextra = logextra
439        self.caller_source_loc = caller_source_location()
440        curthread = threading.current_thread()
441        self.thread_id = (
442            '<unknown>'
443            if curthread.ident is None
444            else hex(curthread.ident).removeprefix('0x')
445        )
446        self.active = False
448        with cls.watchers_lock:
449            cls.watchers.append(weakref.ref(self))
watchers_lock: 'threading.Lock | None' = None
watchers: list[weakref.ReferenceType[DeadlockWatcher]] | None = None
def enable_deadlock_watchers(cls) -> None:
479    @classmethod
480    def enable_deadlock_watchers(cls) -> None:
481        """Spins up deadlock-watcher functionality.
483        Must be explicitly called before any DeadlockWatchers are
484        created.
485        """
486        assert cls.watchers_lock is None
487        cls.watchers_lock = threading.Lock()
488        assert cls.watchers is None
489        cls.watchers = []
491        threading.Thread(
492            target=cls._deadlock_watcher_thread_main, daemon=True
493        ).start()

Spins up deadlock-watcher functionality.

Must be explicitly called before any DeadlockWatchers are created.